Teach English in Tuban Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Tuban Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

What are possible alternatives to punishment in a learning environment? Throughout history around the world, punishment in forms of banishment, beheading, burning, whipping etc has been a way to enforce rules and maintain discipline within the people and traitors. In today’s society even though heavy punishment has largely been eliminated, there are still corporal punishments happening in learning institutions in first world countries, third world countries as well as developing countries. Largely, the purpose of corporal punishment at home and schools were to bring out better grades and less behavior issues. But multiple studies have displayed that punishments lead to more negative outcomes than positive. Such as early aggression in children, impaired cognitive and emotional developmental delay. Below are some alternatives that teachers and parents can enforce with consistency and calmness. So what are some alternative solutions in order to make a pleasant learning experience as well as reducing behavioral issues at home? One alternative solution would be to pair weaker students together with students who have higher grades. This way, students get a chance to learn from someone new. This makes the student feel less stressed compared to learning with an authoritative figure. This approach also can be a start of a friendship within classmates. Some other way of replacing punishment would be to reflect on a piece of paper. Usually when students fail in an exam or start acting different from their usual selves, it is because they have other problems happening at home or school. Instead of taking away their recess or calling them out in front of the class, having them write down their reasons honestly is a great way to express, destress as well as get to know the student better. This way the teacher or guardian can resolve issues that caused their problems in the first place. It is best to find the cause of issues rather than blindly punishing students who could be victims themselves. Last but not least, another way of replacing punishment would be to introduce meditation to students early in their lives such as preschool or kindergarten. This method prevents academic and behavior problems before they even arise. When students learn necessary ways to calm themselves and to express themselves, they naturally learn to control and manage their emotions and feelings, leading to less aggression and more contentment in general. Finally, another alternative to punishment would be positive reinforcement. Rewarding students each time they have good scores, or when students use words to express themselves, or even rewarding them when they put effort into finishing a simple task such as home work. This repetitive pattern of positive reinforcement can lead to positive manners and habits that will stay with them for a very long time. In conclusion, there are varieties of ways to discipline students at home and in school instead of punishment. As stated, punishment leads to more negative behaviors and habits which can scar a child’s life into their adulthood. Punishments depending on its severity can lead to early anxiety and depression in children. People in general do not learn much under stress, so it is best to avoid punishment for the benefit of everyone and embrace other ways to approach struggling students.