Teach English in Xiaojiazhuang Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xiaojiazhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Learning modes: Young learners vs adults Learning process of humans goes through several stages from early childhood to adulthood and acquiring or learning a language is just one of the abilities we develop. Among other human skills the ability to learn and use language is somewhat special. There is a long-standing debate in psycholinguistics and cognitive science whether the ability to acquire language is biologically linked to age and to what extent, so called critical period hypothesis. Either way, acquiring mother tongue is a unique process which in many respects differs from the learning process of second or foreign language and we have to be aware of that. Special case is simultaneous bilingualism which could be acquired only in early childhood and is subject to intensive studies and theories because it is considered a key to understanding the process of learning second languages. Young learners is a very wide category and the learning abilities of young students and suitable teaching styles for them vary enormously according to their age. We can divide it roughly to four sub-categories: small children under 5, children between 5 to 9, children from 9 to 13 and teenagers above 13 years of age. Each group requires different approach, teaching style and expectancy of what the students can learn and perform. In case of very small children under 5 we can’t expect too much progress in language. Their attention span is very short so all activities must be reasonably short and change quickly. The best way is to use their natural curiosity and creativity to stimulate their learning and interest. The lessons should be conceived as series of game or creative activities which draw children into a new language world. Songs, drawing, acting, dancing, stories, etc. are excellent means to convey that objective because they simulate the actual process of learning the mother tongue. Children of this age can’t read or write yet, their memory is limited so we need to do a lot of repetition or drilling. Children from 5 to 9 already go to school or some kind of prep-school so they are aware of the learning process and what is expected of them to perform. Their attention span is longer and memory considerably better so the activities in class can be more sophisticated and take longer time. Their brain is like a sponge and it is easy for them to learn new vocabulary in class (around 10 words in one lesson is reasonable). Again, games and creative activities are highly recommended and should cover most of the lesson. Music, songs, games, drama or role-play, stories, maybe a bit of explanation of language structure can be added. Speaking and listening skills are emphasized because most of the children only start to read and write in their native language around the age of 7 or 8. It is my conviction that it has no sense to force the children in this period to read and write in English when they have just started intensive training in their native language. Especially if the native language is phonetic or uses different alphabet. I think it would be best to add the writing and reading skills slowly after the first year of school when the children master those skills enough in their own language and won’t get confused. Children from 9 to 13 have much longer attention span and good memory, they usually don’t have problem to understand the structure of language when explained. All four skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) should be balanced and developed during the lessons. At this age we must already deal with motivation to learn the language. Students might be reluctant to participate if they find the lessons boring or activities too childish. Music is recommended but rhymes accompanied by movements, acting or dancing in front of the others might make them feel embarrassed. Teacher should choose the activities according to their age and personal interest, work with funny texts, internet resources, comics, sensitively use role-plays and games, etc. Young learners above 13 are probably the most complicated group to teach as they have already reached puberty. They might feel pretty self-conscious, have strong opinions about what they want or don’t want to do, sometimes lose motivation to learn the language and be reluctant to co-operate when getting bored. It is useful to find out more about their interests first and then prepare working materials. Music, films, sports, etc. are favorite topics. For example, pop songs and their lyrics, films and their stories, main characters, sport match reporting. We have to keep in mind the skill development should be balanced and therefore ideally use the material for all four skills. Children of this age have good memory and attention span so the activities can be elaborate and longer, we can use a lot of authentic materials, teach greater volume of vocabulary. Adult learners, on the other hand, are completely different category. Those people already work or study at university and probably have some previous experience with English studies. This means our teaching style will differ enormously. Their motivations and reasons for learning the language would be somehow connected with their work or academic field. It is useful to make needs analysis and check the level of their English first and then choose the appropriate style, topics and materials for the syllabus. Teachers must be very flexible. The previous learning experiences could have created blocks in our students or they might like to stick to the previous teaching style even though it was not effective. On the other hand, the adult students are usually highly motivated and ready to learn a great deal of stuff, though they do not pick up the language so quick and natural as young learners.