Teach English in Yidie Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yidie Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

As a bilingual individual, I realized how informative taking this, or any, teaching as a second language (TEFL) course. I believe it can be impactful, moreover, it can cause self-reflection on one's own learning trajectory of the English language. In fact, in my particular experience, I am both a native Spanish and English speaker. However, I learned Spanish before English. For this reason, I learned English in school in English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. At a young age, I understood the importance and global presence that English continues to have. Eventually, I became fluent to the native level in English because I learned at a young age and use English as my dominant language. Nevertheless, I remained fluent in Spanish as well. When I learned English, I was cognizant of the differences the language had with Spanish. However, as I have grown older and used English consistently for more than a decade, I can no longer see the subtleties in the language like I once did. Moreover, this TEFL course has provided me with a wealth of knowledge that I had forgotten and possibly missed. Additionally, I would argue that bilingual individuals can become overconfident because of their ability to balance two languages, that we might overlook the subtleties of one or both languages we speak. I recognize that there are times that I have overlooked the complexities of both of the languages I know. As I look to pursue a career in teaching English, I need to be aware of the mistakes I can make. This awareness is necessary in order to prepare lesson plans that work for students and not myself. The purpose of TEFL is not necessarily to just bring this awareness to the individual, however, I argue that this is an imperative area to correct from the start because it opens the individual to further analyzation of the language. I also believe that bilingual individuals provide a distinct skillset that provides them since they have prior knowledge of attaining a foreign language. This personal experience has been helpful to me in my interactions with students. With my experience with TEFL, I believe being bilingual has also been impactful for my learning because I bring the experience of both sides when learning. I focus on the impact on bilingual individuals specifically because due to globalization, among other factors, our world is becoming increasingly multilingual. In the end, the TEFL course provides necessary information I should know while also causing me to self-reflect on how my own experience can be useful in the classroom. Moreover, TEFL courses provide bilingual individuals with skills necessary to aid in creating a society boom with multilingual individuals. It is important to encourage the development of a global multilingual because of the growing need to communicate and collaborate with others. TEFL and the English language, specifically, is important to encourage as it has become one of the primary languages of communication. Therefore, by taking TEFL courses and teaching English bilingual individuals can promote communication, enrich themselves and their future students.