Teach English in Zhike Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zhike Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

When you are teaching students, it’s very important to know how to manage the class. To make the class efficient and lively, teachers should have the ability to organize students in a friendly and relaxed way as well as maintaining discipline. But there are the differences between teaching one to one and groups. Teaching one to one, teachers should keep good eye contact with the student and just focus on him, by which teachers can give more feedback to help him improve. In one to one class, teachers act as partners and teachers. In some activities, such as role-play, you need serve as a partner and switch roles to help him practice target language, so you need to interact with the student all the time. In study phase, you are a teacher and try to elicit the student to speak out target language by himself, which can make him have a sense of achievement and satisfaction. Besides, The one to one study atmosphere can reduce the student’s stress and make him more open and confident. However, one to one class can be boring, so teachers should design more interesting activities to motivate the student. Teachers also should personalize the lesson plan to meet the student’s need, which can lead to a little bit challenge to teach one to one class. As to teaching groups, teachers need to grade their language, because students may be in different levels. And you can’t ask questions like” do you understand” to check their understanding. Teachers can feel relaxed when students are doing activities. But teachers should organize the group work wisely, trying to make a strong one and a weak one in pairs and let them change partners when they are doing another activity. What’s more, before you ask students to do activities, you need to make sure every student understands the instruction, which means you must do a good ICQ so that the activity can move on smoothly. At the same time, you need to go around and offer help. Sometimes, students can’t involve themselves in the class, in which case, teachers need to adjust the activities to make the class full of fun. Another challenge teachers face is that some strong students like dominating the conversation during discussion part while some weak students may be very shy and don’t want to get engaged in the discussions. To solve the problem, teachers can stop the strong students indirectly and give other students more opportunities to speak. Students need to sit in semi-circle when you are teaching new knowledge, they need to sit in pairs when doing role play, while they need to work alone when doing worksheet. Teachers must organize seats according to different activities. Moreover, Discipline is also another problem, especially when everyone is discussing and discussion time is up, they are still talking. Teachers can use loud voice or clap their hands to draw students’ attention in order to go on teaching. Or before the class, teachers can make a rule, such as keeping phone silent, letting them attach importance to the class discipline. In summary, if you want to have an high-efficient, active, and pleasant class, you need to pay attention to teaching skills between one to one and groups.