Teach English in Chengnan Zhen - Nanchong Shi

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In the unit are discussed the parts of the speech such as nouns, adjectives, articles, verbs, adverbs, gerunds, pronouns, prepositions and conjunctions. The nouns are classifies as common, proper, compound, abstract and collective. They could be countable and uncountable. The adjectives are used in order to describe the nouns. They could be used both as superlatives and to make a comparison. The articles could be definite as we talk about a particular or unique noun or indefinite when the noun could be any and it should also be countable. When talking about general ideas we use zero article. The verbs can be actions and states. They could be divided into two groups as transitive, where followed directly by an object and intransitive where the verb stands alone. The main verb forms are base, past simple, past participle and present participle. Verbs which do not end in -ed are called irregular, whereas auxiliary verbs are the ones that helps form a structure or a tense. The adverbs give us more information about the action, its quality or state. Types of adverbs: manner, place, time, degree frequency. The gerunds are -ing form of a verb, used as a noun. The pronouns are words used instead of or in the place of more precise nouns or noun phrases. The main types of the pronouns are personal, possessive, reflexive and relative. The prepositions show the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and another word in the sentence. Main types are time or date, movement, place or position. The conjunctions join the words or the groups in a sentence.