Teach English in Qibaosi Zhen - Nanchong Shi

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Throught the lesson 2, i studed about part of speech. I>Noun: a noun names people, animals, places, things, qualities, states. *) FUNCTION OF THE NAME FROM THE QUESTION 1. Subject (subject): Example: The sun rises in the East. (The sun rises in the east) 2. New language: (object) Example: I like coffee. (I like coffee) I am từ một thành phố big. (I'm from a big city) 3. Addition (complement) For example: She is my friend. (She is my friend) 4. Objective modifier (object complement) Examples: They choose him president of the country. (They elected him as president) 5. Part of preposition (part of prepositional phrases) For example: He did the job in a careful manner. (He works cautiously) 6. Idioms (appositive) Example: My father, a teacher, is a very patient person. (My father, a teacher, is a very patient person) *) CLASSIFICATION OF NAME Nouns are divided into many types such as: specific nouns, abstract nouns, common nouns, proper nouns, countable nouns, uncountable nouns ... 1. Specific nouns and abstract nouns (concrete and abstract nouns) a) Specific nouns (concrete nouns): - Specific nouns are nouns that refer to something we can feel directly through the senses (visible, palpable) such as pen (pen), pencil (pencil), book (book) ... .. . Specific nouns are classified into two categories: + Proper nouns: is a noun used to denote proper names for one of a kind and is always capitalized: Peter, Hanoi, Vietnam. + Common nouns (common nouns): is a noun used as a common name for a type: dog (dog), house (house), car (car) .... In common nouns, there are also subclasses such as collective nouns used to refer to a group or set: group (group), herd (herd) .... and nouns refer to materials (material noun) like coffee, tea ... b) Abstract nouns (abstract nouns): - Abstract nouns are nouns that refer to a quality, characteristic, or active state: happiness (happiness), health (joy), joy (joy), arrival (the coming) ...... 2. Countable nouns and uncountable nouns (countable and uncountable nouns): a) Countable nouns: Countable nouns as names, are nouns for countable objects (one, two, three, ...). Countable nouns always have singular and plural forms. Singular (singular) Plural Book (book) Day (day) Books (books) Days (many days) b) Countless nouns (uncountable nouns) - Countless nouns are nouns that refer to materials or concepts. Nouns of this type are not used with articles a, an, not in singular and plural. For example: information (information), chocolate (chocolate), ice cream (ice cream) ... - However, some uncountable nouns can be used with nouns of measurement such as a cup of coffee, two pieces of information (two bulletins), a drop of water ( a drop of water ... ... or used with other nouns such as a ray of light (a ray of light), a piece of advice (an advice) ... - Countless nouns have no plural. However, some uncountable nouns are used as countable nouns. At that time, they often have different meanings. Have two noun types: countalbe nouns and uncountable nouns. II>Adjectives: Adjectives are words that show the nature, color, size, status, extent, scope, ... of people or things. It often uses modifiers for nouns, pronouns or verbs (linking verb). III>Articles: there are two articles in English: definite (the) and indefinite (a and an). Articles follow after Noun. IV>Verb: verb is used to describe a action of Subject. V>Adverbs: adverbs are used to complement verbs, adjectives, another adverb or whole sentences. The adverb usually precedes the word or clause that it needs to complement. But also depending on the case of the sentence that people can put it behind or at the end of the sentence. VI> Pronoun: in English, pronouns are words used to replace nouns in sentences. With different functions, pronouns in English can be divided into pronouns as follows: pronouns pronoun (pronoun), pronouns pronoun (object pronoun), pronoun possessive pronoun, reflexive pronoun, relative pronoun, interrogative pronoun, demonstrative pronoun and uncertain pronoun ( indefinite pronoun).