Teach English in Yuli Zhen - Rizhao Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yuli Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Rizhao Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Language acqusition process defined as the human capacity to comprehend and perceive a language also use it for communication. Using the language effectively requires acqusition of its all elements (syntax, phonetix, vocabulary,, etc) as a entire system. Language acquition usually refers to first language acqusition. ‘L1’ is the short form which is used instead of the first language term. First languge basically can be defined as mother tongue. Every human being is the native speaker of the their first language. Acqusition of the first language is the neutral process of the human being development and realized automatically. Children acquires the language unconsciously. And they can acquire any language as the first language. Theories of first language acquisition can be stated as; Cognition(based on cognitive-psychological approach), Imitation, Nativism or Behaviorism(based on the empiricist or behavioral approach), Innateness or Mentalism(based on ratioanlistic or mentalist approach), Connectionism(according to this theory language acqusition does not separate “module of the mind”). According to Chomsky’s Universal grammar theory, every child born with the capacity of the acquired a language. Children has language acqusition device in their brains. Language acqusition process begins from the first day after birth. By the age of five, the child knows most of the system of the language and it continues even after the age of five. Parents provide to their children inputs which are the language samples. They do that with an extragerated intonation, extra loudness and frequent use of questions. These kind of speeach called as ‘caregiver speech’. It also known as ‘motherese’ and ‘child-directed speech’. Stages of the fisrt language acqusition process can be ordered as; the Cooing Stage(4-6months), the Babling Stage(6-12 months), the One World Stage(12-18 months), the Two Word Stage(18-20 months) and the Telegraphic Stage. Second language is the language which people learn other than their native language. L2 is used instead of the second language. Before mentioning the second language acqusition, it is necessary to describe the difference between the terms ‘language acqusition’ and ‘language learning’. Language learning is a conscious process in contrast to language acqusition. Second language acqusition can be realized both inside and outside the classroom. If second language acqusition is realized with presented rules in the classroom environment, then it is should be defined as second language learning. But is a person is exposed to a language ,which is different from his/her mother tongue, in a way that is not presented by the rules and in a natural communication environment, then the term ‘second language acqusition’ would be more accurate. Theoris of the second language acqusition can be stated as; Skinner’s Behaviorist Theory (Behaviorism), Chomsky’s Innatist Theory (Innatism) and the Monitor Theory (Krashen’s Monitor Model). Stages of the second language acqusition can be ordered as, Pre-production(The silent period, the learner may have up to 500 words but he/she is not speaking), Early production(The learner has approximately 1000 words and he or she can produce one or two word phrases), Speech Emergence(the learner has approximately 3000 words and he or she be able to produce simple phrases and sentences.), Intermediate Fluency(the learner has 6000 words and he or she can produce more complex structures) and Advanced Fluency(the learner is near-native in his/her abilities on the second language). In conclusion, differences between the first language acqusition and the second language acqusition can be ordered as; The first language acqusition is always natural process while second language acqusition is not. In general the first language is acquired unconciously and the second language is requires guidance and instruction. The first language is like an instinct but the sond language is personal choice of a person. There is no other option for the first language but a person can decide the second language. The second language can not be rapid as the first language acqusition. The second language never be learned as effeciently as a first language. Once for all, they are seperated to each other in terms of theories and stages(even though there are similarities). REFERENCES