Teach English in Fangcun Zhen - Tai'an Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Fangcun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Tai'an Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Around the world, there are thousands of languages to help people communicate and understand each other. Nevertheless, when we step out of our region or country, where other languages which are foreign to us are used, it becomes difficult and even impossible for us to communicate and get other’s understanding us. This is the point where we ask ourselves if it is not possible to have one global language that can enable us communicate everywhere with other people, without forgetting our mother tongues. A language is said to be global when it achieves the official position and education preference in every nation, and which is learned and spoken internationally. A language which is global does not only end at helping people communicate, but build strong and everlasting relationships. It is not only characterized by the number of native and second language speakers but also by its geographical distribution and its use in international organizations and diplomatic relations. A global language should act as “lingua franca”, that is to say a common language that enables people from diverse places to communicate. It is important to note that one of the essential factors for establishing a global language is that it is spoken by those who wield power. The influence of any language is the combination of the number of countries using it as their first language, the number of countries adopting it as their official language and the number of countries teaching it as their foreign language of choice in their schools. English is a language that is universal and it is the world’s second native language after Chinese, the formal language of many countries and English language speaking countries have a great influence on the economic, political as well as social aspects of the world. English is and can be used every where around the world; in business, music, cinema etc. Here are aspects which have made English a global language. Wars: Going back in the past, the First World War was won by Britain and the US; two countries whose official languages are English. This made English to be more influential as language. Notwithstanding this, the Treaty of Versailles was signed in English and also in French, thereby accentuating the importance of English. Moving to the Second World War, America’s economic and political influence increased as they became the richest nation on Earth. The Allies Britain and the US won the war and this made English more influential. The United Nations was formed after the Second World War and English became one of its official languages. Colonization: England had many colonies; notably in North America, the Indian Subcontinent, the Caribbean and Africa. These colonies had to learn the English language and the language was also influenced in turn as many new English vocabulary came from these new places. This made a lot of people who had to learn English, thereby making it more influential and as a language which will never be done without. Many of these colonies today have English as their official languages. Religion: Religion is an aspect which makes English a global language, especially through Christianity. With the advent of Christianity in Britain, the King James Bible version was translated from Hebrew to English. This bible became widespread in Britain and around the world, especially in their colonies where Christianity was introduced using this bible and other materials which were written in English. Many religious denominations like the Baptist was created in England and spread around the world using the English language. Technology: at the time where the US was emerging as world’s business super power, the internet was also invented in the US. With this, the entire lexicon for computers and technology was invented in English. The hardware for all smart technology uses the English language and many more supportive documents linked to technology are in English. This makes it a necessity for people around the world, given the widespread nature of technology, to understand the English language. Science and Education: There is no where we can talk about science without talking about English. Great scientists who existed like Robert Hooke, Robert Boyle, Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton and others published their research in English. This made people to learn the language, especially the scientist. Despite the translations that are made today, most scientific tools and other educational materials come with user instructions and manuals in English. Industry: The great revolution started in Britain. Machine manual were written in English, people migrated to cities the cities to work and all this necessitated the knowledge of English. Nowadays, business manuals are mostly in English and English is considered a very important business language no matter in which part of the world you find yourself. Entertainment: The world at one point in time embraced films, music, from the USA and these were and are all produced in English. Today as well, trends from stars, TV shows from the USA, England etc are things that the world’s youth population is interested in, and most of them see English speaking as cool as it brings them closer to their favorite stars and artists. From the above, we can see that English has become a language which cannot be done without. There are so many factors that make it indispensable for all, notwithstanding the part of the globe in which you are found and what activity you are involved in. Sources