Teach English in Shankou Zhen - Tai'an Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shankou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Tai'an Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Learners of English more often than not, come to a classroom with educational experiences whether it is formal or informal education. Along with this, teachers must be aware that various cultures tend to have different approaches when it comes to education. Then there is the level of abilities that a teacher must contend with in order to meet the needs of the prospective students. The good news is the fact that they are sitting in our classrooms, and for the most part are there because they want to be. So then begs the question, how do we motivate them? How do we get them to “engage the learning of their new language?” In my years of experience as an instructor, I have found more often than not, a motivated teacher usually encourages a motivated classroom. It starts with a teacher caring that his or her students care about their targeted subject. Facial expressions are the entrance way into what a person may immediately think about us. Smiling, hand gestures, and body language are all suggestive elements as to a student’s initial reaction to a teacher. Introducing yourself and eliciting each student’s name demonstrates to a student that you are really aware of their presence in the classroom, and that their presence is important. Our vocal pitch also plays an important element in the introductory phase of the classroom. Our voice must include an authoritative form, but without the harshness or brashness that sometimes appears in classrooms. While it is true that seating arrangements depends on the number of students within a classroom setting, a teacher should strive to make the seating arrangements as classroom friendly as possible. Teachers must also have a plan. A clear plan, a concise plan, a lesson plan! The lesson plans must fit and meet the needs of all students in the classroom. Therefore a lesson plan must be flexible as during the course of instruction, a particular aspect of a lesson may have to be reviewed. The lesson plan however should be accompanied with other resource materials that may include games, puzzles, and other materials that break the predictability of a particular lesson or lessons. Class room participation can be encouraged by having role play games which involve a topic that is interesting and relevant to them. Whenever possible, a teacher should make his or herself available for one on one assessment of each student. This encourages and motivates a student to voice their concerns in the area of a particular lesson they may have trouble with. Finally, the classroom environment must always display an air of confidence towards the students as a whole. They must be encouraged to believe that they can indeed achieve their goal of speaking English at a successful level. It is important to make sure that English and only English is spoken in the class room. This will further emphasize the importance of speaking in English often, and frequently. Let them know that you are as invested in their goal of speaking English successfully as they are. In other words, the more they speak English, the better their English will become. There will be a need from time to time, to go over mistakes that are made when students are engaging the English language. It would be unwise to over correct, but rather nod your head in an appreciation of their answer and participation, and then let another student use the correct and appropriate response. You will often find that students are invested in each other’s success in the classroom because they share the common bond of wanting to learn English successfully. Be aware that some students may have a dominant personality, so a teacher must be sure to give each individual in the class their time to participate. Calling them individually by name goes a long way in controlling the tendency for a student to dominate the class. Motivation starts with the motivator, and that motivator is ultimately the teacher!