Teach English in Tianbao Zhen - Tai'an Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Tianbao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Tai'an Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The problem of motivation to learn foreign languages is particularly acute. Motivation is the most important spring of the process of mastering a foreign language. Formation of motivation is, first of all, the creation of conditions for the emergence of internal impulses to the doctrine, awareness of their students and further self-development of the motivational sphere. The younger school age is the most favorable for the formation and preservation of positive motivation to learn English. Today, there is a motivational crisis in students who do not want to learn as a traditional school can offer. The main reasons for this are: the colossal redundancy of the educational material, the lack of confidence in maintaining their psychological security, everything is in order with the “whip,” what is called the “carrot” sinks; the different level of student development. Therefore, teachers are forced to learn to convince children of the relevance and usefulness of the proposed educational content, i.e., to submit this information so that it is claimed and accepted by students. At this stage, it becomes essential for a teacher to master the art of promotional packaging of educational information. After all, the main elements of advertising - to attract attention, to arouse interest. Awaken the desire and induce to action - in many respects, coincide with the critical tasks of the lesson. The subject "Foreign Language" is practice-oriented, so all classes are practical. To create an atmosphere of genuine communication in the classroom, the teacher must be able to communicate himself: speak naturally, not mechanically (learned), pay attention to the reaction and be able to take into account the interests of the interlocutor. During communication, the teacher should skillfully use non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions), making his speech more emotional. He should be able to move around the class properly, stand at the blackboard, sit at his desk. The atmosphere of a favorable psychological climate and democratic relations should reign in foreign language lessons. Foreign language lessons are always communication lessons. The teacher and the student must become equal speech partners. Foreign language communication will bring joy to students if they feel they are playing an important role in the lesson. The interest in the subject, the desire to master it, depends to a large extent on what technology of instruction is used, how the teacher teaches, and how schoolchildren learn from him. In English classes in elementary school with the aim of developing and improving communication skills, you can use game techniques. Since it is well known that a game is an organized activity, requiring tension of emotional and mental forces, always suggesting a decision on how to act, what to say, how to win. The desire to solve these issues in younger school children is intensifying mental activity. Children do not think about it. For them, the game, above all - an exciting experience in which everyone is equal. A sense of equality, an atmosphere of enthusiasm and joy, a sense of the feasibility of assignments — all this has a beneficial effect on learning outcomes. For the development of intelligence, a child's cognitive activity, subject games are used. Through toys - objects - children learn the shape, color, volume, material, etc. For example, when studying the topic “Food,” children can be offered pictures of products to describe them. For the development of children's cognitive activity, you can use educational games. They require the student's ability to decipher, solve, and most importantly - know the subject. For example, such a task - the teacher “hides” the words in the table with the letters arranged randomly, and the students must find the hidden words. These jobs guys are looking forward to. To identify the level of preparedness of students and to induce their activity, games based on competition are used. Cannot find what you need? Try our literature selection service. Games in the educational process have great potential for the further formation and revitalization of the skills and abilities of creative, mental, and cognitive activity among schoolchildren. At the same time, songs are used to develop communication skills and stimulate cognitive activity. Songs motivate students to inform about something, ask. For example, learning the song “The days of the week,” students learn the names of the days of the week in English, learn new words. The songs contribute to the improvement of pronunciation skills, allow you to achieve accuracy in articulation, rhythm, and intonation, deepen the knowledge of the English language, enrich the vocabulary, develop the skills and abilities of reading and listening, stimulate monologic and dialogical utterance. Moreover, the song has a significant impact on the emotional sphere of the trainees. It has been observed that foreign language activity against the background of music not only contributes to memorizing material but also relieves fatigue in the learning process. Despite the diversity of methods and techniques in teaching English, younger students need to provide such types of work that would relieve stress and fatigue. When conducting lessons, strive to include charging-relaxation. When it is conducted, the teacher sets a goal for students to memorize language material. You also need to strive to diversify the material, contributing to the development of memory and oral communication skills. In the classroom, you can use additional material in the form of rhymes and poems. This material allows you to firmly remember the basic grammatical models and use them in everyday practice. Also, the learning process turns into an exciting game that supports interest in the subject. Thus, a teacher is not only an educator, but it is also an actor, artist, sculptor, etc. Each lesson for him is a play, where he is the main character, director, and director. From his skills, knowledge, skills, and, of course, creativity depends on how the lesson will pass, how students will learn the material, with which mood they will come to the next lesson.