Teach English in Yuhua Zhen - Tongchuan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yuhua Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Tongchuan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

There comes a time where you develop a passion for skill. Over time your dedication to that skill evolves. The natural progression becomes to teach that skill! A wise man once said that if you truly want to be really good at a skill you must learn it as if your goal is to teach it to someone else! I agree with this theory. In my experience, this is the best way to become proficient at anything. However just because you are knowledgable and passionate about something, it does not mean that you are prepared to successfully instruct someone on how to learn that same skill. This is why learning proper teaching skills are essential to being an effective and efficient instructor. With teaching experience, it becomes evident that many students at various times and different skill levels learn very differently. It can become almost a talent of its own being able to identify which teaching method would be the proper method to use at the appropriate time. Once you have been successful at getting your students to learn a subject or concept, the next task is to implement a process that will assist the student in remembering the lesson and being able to apply what they have learned in different scenarios. The learning environment is a key element in the learning process that some people often ignore. Making your students feel comfortable and confident are the fundamental building blocks of all education. Making students feel comfortable promotes a higher level of engagement from the students. This level of engagement helps the teacher to understand what parts of the lessons are connecting with the students and what specific information is being retained. Making your students feel confident helps them to stay motivated and helps the students to work harder and on some levels learn faster. Another major key element in the learning process is getting your students to trust the process and your ability to guide them thru this process. The only effective way of doing that is to build rapport with the students. Building rapport goes such a long way with students. This helps them stay motivated to learn, increase attendance and this can help maintain class discipline. To ensure the classes objectives it all starts with clear and concise lesson planning. With proper planning and preparation, it makes the entire teaching and learning process exciting, fun and effective. It is extremely important to design the lesson planning to the specific level of students you are teaching. Proper lesson planning will also help to keep the class organized. Some time teachers overlook the process of detailed lesson planning because they are so familiar with the subject matter that they are teaching. Unfortunately, when a teacher does this, it becomes more common for a student to not retain all of the skills and knowledge that a teacher initially intended to convey. Taking the time to learn the most current and effective methods to teach is crucial to the success of the teacher and more importantly the students. When teachers take the time to gain extra certifications and experience, this ensures that they have the tools that are needed to optimize the learning experience and achieve the objectives of the class.