Teach English in Liushan Zhen - Weifang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Liushan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weifang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

A role is a part played or a responsibility assumed; it’s a job, a duty, a task. A role is always a position held. In an educational setting, it includes receptive and productive skills that become reciprocal in nature within the student-teacher relationship. For example, as the teacher speaks, the students may be listening and writing. As the student reads the instructor is listening. There is a mutual benefit in this exchange, however the focus is on the students good. These skills function as a integral dynamic throughout the lessons. These skills and the relationship that follows, carry over into the interaction and collaborative efforts between students. Thus listening, reading, speaking and writing are skills that become definitive in determining the role of the teacher, as well as the student, within the classroom. Primarily a teacher’s role can be qualified into four essential duties. She can be in the role of instructor, facilitator, mentor, or counselor. The teacher as an instructor helps students become proficient in meeting predetermined, academic goals. An instructor knows the students abilities and through well-researched lessons and practice, brings out curiosity, enthusiasm and vision in each one. The outcome is ultimately determined by the student and with a balance of careful planning, risk-taking, cooperative efforts, interdependence and fun, a student will succeed. A facilitator may be thought of as someone who brings about an outcome. In the classroom, a teacher scaffolds the learning for each student through the prepared lessons. A scaffold is a teaching method whereby a student is able to solve a problem or achieve a goal through a gradual shedding of outside assistance. Thus responsibility will progress from small tasks to those in larger portions. Another function of a teacher is one called mentor (or coach). She becomes a role model for the student. Mentorship at every level is a “whole child” approach to education and, at the middle and high school levels, it has the power to impact the course of students’ academic and personal life path. A mentor encourages and supports students through all their academic experience. Mentorship is investing in students in a more complete way. It creates the opportunity for a deeper and lifelong bond. The “counselor role” in the classroom involves helping students with their emotional and social challenges. The developmental level and experience of each student will determine their needs, however a trusted teacher who shows empathy can offer daily support and simple guidance to meet these basic student needs. Thus a teacher can play an essential role in bridging the gap between the student and school counselor. Though not one of the four roles discussed, there is one that could be entitled “law officer”. It may arise in certain teaching situation when there are more than two students that are being instructed in a physical classroom setting. It involves establishing order by controlling student interaction in a way that fosters collaboration and cooperation instead of unmanageable conflict. All the jobs or roles of the classroom teacher are important. When and where the teacher steps into a certain job in the classroom depends on factors determined by the learning outcome and the students. However a role can begin at anytime in of midst of the academic experience.