Teach English in Longchi Zhen - Weifang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Longchi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weifang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The role of a teacher can take on different forms throughout the day. Based on my experience teaching a foreign language, I believe that to teach English as a foreign language a teacher must be adequately prepared in several areas. First, a teacher should be an effective classroom manager. In this role, the teacher should have a ideas ready to be able to have full control of the learning environment to minimize any distractions. Depending on the size of the class, the teacher should arrange seats so as to have productive class times. Sometimes it is good to have the seats in groups for better language practice with partners without wasting time having students move around. However, on days when there is an assessment, it may be better to spread out the desks so as not to have cheating. A good idea is to have a discipline plan in place to deal with disruptive students. Such a plan would have several incremental steps including verbal warnings and getting parents involved. During a lesson, sometimes a teacher need only get near a student who may not be participating in the lesson or is talking to make them return to paying attention. Secondly, a teacher should be a well qualified instructor of the language being taught. Obviously, this would include being very fluent in the language if not a native speaker of it. The teacher should have training in planning lessons and teaching techniques to keep students engaged in the learning process and interested in the topics. The teacher should vary the activities and the topics so as to keep all students interested and participating in the learning process. It is always good to include learning games, skits, group presentations, and speaking activities in each unit. In this manner, the students will not become bored with the usual language learning routines of choral repetition, worksheets, and tests. Next, a teacher will have to assume the role as administrator as well. It is a good idea to have the proper materials necessary to document the progress of the students. A small filing cabinet is necessary along with a notebook to keep track of students’ grades. Although many schools now have online grade reporting, it is essential to have the grades recorded on paper in case of computer failure. In this role, a teacher many need to attend meetings with a principal or director of the school as well as with parents of students who may be having difficulty. Many times a teacher will communicate by email with these people as well. Time should always be set aside during the day to answer online correspondence. Finally, a teacher will play the role of mentor to students. This role is just as important as any of the ones mentioned previously. Many students do not have positive role models at home and/or their parents are busy with work and cannot give students adequate attention. Students may actually spend more awake time with their teacher than their parents. For this reason, a teacher should always be positive and encouraging to each student. Students learn better in a positive environment where they feel accepted and safe to be themselves. It is a good idea to actually keep a record of giving individual attention to students so as to not leave anyone out. Having a good relationship with students will help to identify ones who may be having problems learning or with life in general. In conclusion, a teacher should be prepared to take on the role of classroom manager, instructor, administrator, and mentor. In this way, the teacher will be effective in helping students learn a new language.