Teach English in Louguan Zhen - Xi'an Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Louguan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xi'an Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Classroom management is one of the most important factors because it affects the students learning process, so teachers can identify their needs. Identifying their needs is essential for success in the classroom.It creates a set of expectations used in an organized classroom environment and to prepare a smooth easy way for teacher to engage the students for effective learning. Classroom management and management of students conduct are essential skills that effective teachers will acquire. It is important to make an effective learning environment to ensure students are engaged and achieve academic success. Classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep student organized, orderly, focused, attentive on the task, and productive time during a class. Managing the classroom atmosphere includes students learning to take account of their interactions, motivations and behaviour, because it supports the process of curriculum development, developing best teaching practices and directions the teacher uses to create a successful learning environment. This will create a positive effect on students receiving the given learning requirements and goals to ensure that all students receive the best of education. Classroom management is the use of procedures and teaching techniques that promote a safe and efficient learning environment, disciplinary methods and behavior that are foundation of this learning environment. Every teacher will develop a unique style of management to meet each unique classroom need. The teacher will always keep the class in order by having students focusing on time on task. Having a regular daily schedule helps the teacher and students prepare for upcoming tasks. Staying organized and developing meaningful communication is among the most important aspect of effective classroom management. Classroom management strategies help easy to teach because students know different type of learning process situation. A teacher with strong classroom management skills, they know how the classroom runs so they are able to help the main goal of classroom management is to reduce misbehavior in the classroom. Effective classroom management also includes the thoughtful placement of desks, students, and decorations. It’s important that the decor of the classroom is colorful, wam, and inviting. A beautiful clean classroom, will make the students feel well comfortable and well cared for. Effective classroom management gives students little time to misbehave because the expectations are clearly explained, from day one. The students will know what they need to do at all times. The effective teacher will learn to be prepared whenever a classroom problem arises and find the best techniques to manage it. Furthermore, the teacher will always find out the root cause of misbehaviors and deal with it in a prompt and professional manner. An effective classroom management systems are effective because they increase student success by creating an orderly learning environment that enhance students academic skill and competencies as well as their social and emotional development. By successfully managing classroom, the teacher increase students success and creates a positive and cooperative learning environment. Effective teaching requires considerable well developed skills in the management of tasks and addressing the various situations that occur in the classroom. Furthermore, it’s essential to develop the skills that create a sense of fairness, equity, and foster courage in students. Creating daily routines and procedures saves time in the long run. It becomes a natural part of the classroom day. Give students their independence to manage themselves, with guidance from the teacher. The effective teacher will establish a daily routine that begins as soon as the students enter the classroom. The preparation of learning materials and lessons, passing out homework, doing brief physical warm-up and activity, will quickly get students settled, focused, productive and prepared for daily instructions as efficiently as possible. Classroom management includes effective discipline. The teacher should discipline students for students who are misbehaving. The effective classroom always requires the rules and expectations to be followed. Using positive reinforcement techniques can help teachers overcome the many changes in the classroom and help student learn and make better choices in the future. This will not only increase academic success in the classroom, but provides many other benefits including students showing respect for their teacher, and keeping them on task and engaged. Effective teacher discipline, encouragement, and kind words work much better than to speak angrily. The goal is to help students feel good about themselves and their behavior in the classroom. Teachers must learn good classroom discipline strategies. Good teachers adapt basic techniques to find best practices that work in the classroom. These can change depending on the types of students, classes, and experiences. Finding best discipline method can take time, but great teachers always look for new ideas and ways to ensure a fun and safe learning environment. The teacher will decide which rules are very important, to always keep the class a safe. The teacher will also design rules to reflects this goal. Students must know the rules and their meaning. Students will be given examples of how rules are followed and not followed. The rules will be posted and hung on the wall. The students will make a commitment to the rules. The students will be asked to come to an agreement about them. The teacher will periodically talk about the rules and review them with students. Students will be praised for modeling what good behavior looks like. The teacher will make sure to praise different students and not always the same ones. If there is an unresolved discipline problem, get the parents involved, It can be very helpful. Teachers are always prepared for class and knowledgeable.Class preparation is essential to get a good grade. Teachers should be prepared for classes. That includes getting a good night's sleep and eating healthy breakfast so that the teacher can be alert and focused. They need to be prepared with whatever materials are needed for the class and also mentally prepared. Being prepared leads to less stress. The teacher provides appropriate content, clear explanation of learning goals, feedback and a good chance for progress to build social skills, and strategies to help students succeed. Well intended principles and strategies will help with the challenges that are faced in the classroom. Teachers will observe the classroom learning process. It is helpful to observe how many students are actively engaged and how many are not and try not. Teachers should keep in mind that teaching and learning are most effective when arranged to meet more than the needs of students and to always encourage them. Teaching should be interactive and highly engaging. Teachers should be happy, healthy to motivate students. If the students do not learn well, additional teaching support can help improve the situation. Discuss the situation in different way. Teacher most be creative in thinking skills and imaginative in daily lessons. Make it fun by playing games that related to the topic lesson, giving out prices, maintain a cheerful and the laughing classroom. Everyone's guide to teaching with humor, Joyful teaching and systematic way. Praise student for job well done and behavioral performance. Make students happy in and out of class. Teachers will build relationship with students. Students will be curious about their teacher's life and want to hear life stories, but they don't have to share everything. They can share things that students can relate to. Likewise teachers will get to know their students backgrounds and learn about them. If students feel that you're invested them personally, they will like be more respectful and behave better. Teachers should look and act professionally. It is very important to look and act professional in front of the students. Teachers will dress well and look pretty. Teachers will always remain calm. They will not show negative or angry emotions to students. It’s important to talk about the conflicts in a nice way and to stay calm. Teachers will talk in normal voice and keep the students safe. If the situation is bad contact the parents and speak of the facts. Teachers will talk to the parent about their children’s class behavior. It is important to be fair, positive, and consistent. Teacher should always be friendly, and be very polite in a way that shows respect, enthusiasm, and confidence. Teachers will keep their sense of humor and always focus on the positive. The more focus on the positive behavior, the more the behavior will be enhanced. To become a role model for students interest, the teacher will deliver the lesson full of enthusiasm. As a display of motivation, the passion will motivate the students. Get to know the students concerns and share personal interest in them, this will inspire a personal loyalty to the teacher. Teacher must always display a strong interest in students learning. This will help students achieve their their own reasonable goals. The teacher will model greetings at the beginning of class, being kind to others, use polite words, maintain eye contact, let one another speak, raise concerns about one another's statement in a respectful manner. The teacher will also show respect for all students, listen to their needs, and always keep students busy, challenged, and highly engaged. Every teacher has her or his own style of teaching. Adjusting their approach, depends on their students’ learning needs. This adjustment will help students develop critical thinking skills and retain knowledge. The teacher will train students to ask questions and help them develop skills to find answers and solutions through exploration. The teacher will also Interact with students and prompt them toward discovery to engage them in the learning process. The teacher will select a teaching style that addresses the needs of different students at different learning levels. Different teaching styles, helps teachers identify the style that’s right for their individual students. The development of learning based on teaching styles included modeling and test preparation. Teachers must develop instructional styles that work well in the classroom and effective teaching methods that engage students at all levels. A mix of teaching styles can help reach all students in a given classroom and knowing how to engage them begins by selecting the teaching style that’s right for their need. It’s important to try different styles to meet different objectives, and to always challenge yourself to find news ways to reach each student. Use effective techniques to introduce to students with pictures and no explanation. Ask them to identify or explain it and prove their answer. Also, ask them to write something about it or using some important words from the topic. Teachers do not give the answer until have first shown students ideas. Challenge students to guess the topic. The teacher sprinkles students with questions, always asking the next question in a way that guides conversation toward the desired learning outcome. Make them guess, introduce a new topic by asking an intriguing question that should interesting to all students, having them guess to build curiosity. Curiosity is the main driver of learning. As a basic principle of learning, the key is to let students focus on exploring an area which interests them and to learn about it for themselves. Allow students the freedom to expand and develop ideas. Learning through play, is a learning technique that can be very effective at any age. It is also a very useful technique to keep students motivated. The teacher encourages students to prepare for the lesson before class, students prepare a topic at home, so the next day can answer any questions they have about the topic. The Case Method prepares students for the real world and arouses their curiosity, analytical skills, and creativity. Address the real lives of the individual students. Students learn in different ways. Some like to write down to remember them. Others learn better by listening. They like to hear information repeated a few times in different ways. Others depend on their senses. They need to touch and feel something before they can fully learn it. The teacher should use a variety of teaching methods and encourage students to participate using different teaching materials. It’s important to speak in child friendly language. These techniques involve students in the learning process and help students to remember and use the information they learn. The way a teacher educates students is just as important as the content. Demonstration increases students comprehension. Passionate and engaging ideas, and lesson plans can help students love learning. Adopting the right teaching style, will work best for individual students. Regardless of what style the teacher adopts, it’s important for teachers to develop positive attitudes, set goals, and establish high expectations for students. In the development of the learning based teaching style, includes modeling and test preparation. Great teachers are observant, responsive, and always keeping an open mind about how to best engage and get students excited about learning. Furthermore, that means trying out different interactive teaching styles in the classroom. Interactive teaching is also beneficial for the teacher in a number of ways. Teachers making use of interactive lessons to better assess how well students master a given subject material. This interactive teaching style promotes an atmosphere of attention and participation. It’s important to always make learning interesting, exciting and fun. Encourage student participation, use questions that stimulate response, discussion, hands-on experience, and use teaching aids to capture students attention. To to be the most effective teacher, it's important to know each of students strengths and weaknesses. At the end of the lesson, the teacher should ask student to write on a specific questions about what they have learned and also to reflect on their learning. (My information) Name:Nelfie M. Arcaya Address:0457 Sitio Baka Barangay Apas Cebu City, Cebu philippines 6,000 Email:[email protected]