Teach English in Lushaer Zhen - Xining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Lushaer Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Title: Classroom Management Your classroom is a group of 15 young learners between the ages of 8 and 12. Three students are slow learners, nine students are average learners and three students are over achievers. How would you deal with the following situations? Question 1 What is the best way to arrange the students in groups of threes for the Activate stage of the ESA teaching method? a) Place all the high achievers in one group, all the low achievers in another group and three groups of average achievers. b) Randomly select the groups. c) Make sure a high achiever is grouped with a slow learner to achieve peer to peer learning. d) Have the students select their own groups. Question 2 One of the high achievers has lost interest because the work is not challenging enough. What is your response? a) Maintain eye contact with the student to let her know you are conscious of her behavior. b) Point out the student to the class as an example of unacceptable behavior. c) Ask the student to lead the discussion in the next Engage phase of the ESA teaching method. d) A combination of answers a and c Question 3 Your classroom has five tables to accommodate the 15 students. What is the best way to arrange the tables for maximum student interaction while still being able to see the teacher at the board? a) A semi-circular or “U” shaped arrangement b) A circular arrangement c) A square arrangement d) Orderly rows of tables Question 4 Your classroom has five tables to accommodate the 15 students. What is the best way to arrange the tables for maximum student interaction during the Activate stage of the ESA teaching method, where the teacher’s interaction should be minimal or non-existent? a) A semi-circular or “U” shaped arrangement b) A circular arrangement c) A square arrangement d) None of the above Question 5 After selecting your students for the Activate stage, it is brought to your attention that two students in the same group are not getting along. What is your solution? a) Let the students work out their differences. b) Stop the class activities and point out the poor behavior of the students. c) Swap the students with other groups as soon as possible. d) Pull the students out of the group and form a teacher led group with them. Question 6 One of the students is consistently disruptive and talkative during class. What is your response? a) Maintain eye contact with the student to let him know you are conscious of his behavior. b) Point out the student to the class as an example of unacceptable behavior. c) Ask the student to assist you in arranging papers, arranging the desks and cleaning the board to assuage his need for attention. d) A combination of answers a and c Question 7 During the Activate stage of the ESA teaching method what is the teacher’s role in managing the class? a) Constantly speaking and interacting with the students so as to give them exposure to natural correct English. b) Addressing specific groups with question and answer sessions. c) Be as inconspicuous as possible allowing for maximum student to student interaction and English talk time. d) None of the above Question 8 What can cause students’ losing respect for the teacher? a) The teacher is improperly dressed. b) The teacher is not prepared for the class. c) The teacher has a favorite student. d) All of the above. Question 9 A student is being violent and disrespectful to the class. How will you handle the offending student? a) Yell loudly at the offending student to show him who is the boss. b) Physically confront the student and administer corporal punishment. c) Stare at the student and have her sit in the corner with her face turned to the wall. d) Administer discipline according to the school’s guidelines. Question 10 During the Engage stage of the ESA teaching method you notice that the students are not engaging with each other and not responding to you. How will you increase the student interest and participation in the next classroom session? a) Ask the students to bring in English articles, stories, games or songs that they are interested in? b) Augment the prepared literature text with articles and objects you have prepared. c) Add lively multi-media materials to the presentation during the Engage stage. d) All of the above. Answers Question 1 – c Question 2 – d Question 3 – a Question 4 – b Question 5 – c Question 6 – c Question 7 – c Question 8 – d Question 9 – d Question 10 - d