Teach English in Xibao Zhen - Xining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xibao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The role of a teacher A teacher’s role can be complex; their role can change due to the situation or circumstances, but something is certain: that every teacher will experience a different aspect of teaching and at some point have to adapt to various situations. As the role is complex, we can break the role of a teacher down into six additional roles which are: Instructor, Facilitator, Mentor, Psychologist, Counsellor and even a Policeman. Let’s look at these roles in more detail below. Instructor The Instructor provides information and knowledge on all tasks, exercises and activities within the class and at the planning stage. It is their role to introduce language points, detailed explanations, structure the class content, predict problems and difficulties that the students and themselves may face during the lesson, and to also answer any questions that may arise. Facilitator The role of Facilitator is providing an appropriate learning environment for their student’s needs. This can relate to size, furniture, equipment and arrangement of that of the classroom depending on the group or individual you are teaching. This can help in a variety of different ways depending on your goals and intent for the lesson. For example: for an individual or very small group, it would be best to keep the students together perhaps on one table facing each other, especially if the task involves a group discussion or it is a one to one class. The dynamics of a class can change regularly as can the teaching aids needed to provide maximum effect with students within the lesson. Mentor As a teacher you are a mentor and role model to your students whether adults or children. It is often said “you get out what you put in “An example of this would be to treat all students fairly and with respect and in return you will normally receive that same respect. It is also important to present yourself in a professional way, being punctual, listening to your student’s needs, being flexible and adapting to the environment and building rapport with students. Psychologist From time to time you will have to deal a student’s personal problems which you might notice or be bought to your attention within or after a class. It is important to listen and be understanding to your students as their problems can affect their learning and involvement and the atmosphere and learning of the class. It may well be you the teacher that notices the problem in which case it needs to be handled with care and perhaps a quite chat after the lesson can resolve or at least reveal the problem. Counsellor This role deals gives help and advice to a student, it could be in the form as a study pointer, guideline for improvement, career advice on future courses to develop or advance in their choice career path. This can be performed in different two different ways: the student asking you for advice or perhaps after monitoring your student throughout the course you can offer them advice on their learning. Policeman Although it sounds drastic, the Policeman role controls order and maintains discipline in the classroom, which is important within itself. Generally discipline can be formed in the early stages of a course giving the students some guidelines and rules to follow from the beginning of the course. As it is very difficult to regain disciple once it has been lost within a classroom. It is also extremely important to follow the disciplinary rules of the institution in which you are employed. Conclusion In my view it is important to include all of these roles into your role as a teacher. Although you will use some rolls more than others it is important to display, maintain and develop these roles as you gain experience as a teacher. This will create a positive learning environment, reduce problems and maintain a relaxed and productive classroom.