Teach English in Xiadingjia Zhen - Yantai Shi

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What is the best way to motivate the student? This is a question that every teacher asks himself from time to time. The answer lies in the individual features of each student, in typical differences of classes, and also in personal qualities of the teacher. First of all, I would like to note that motivation is the creation of a favorable environment for the student, thanks to which he not only progresses in the study of the language, but also set to continue trainings. Therefore, the motivation of the student almost completely lies on the teacher himself. In most cases, we can use the same ways to motivate students both for teaching business English and for regular classes in the middle school. The motivation of the student is influenced by some factors: the meaning of the studies, the motive of the studies, the purpose of the studies, the emotions accompanying educational process. The motive is the orientation of the student on the individual sides of the educational work associated with the internal relationship with it. It can be divided into two main groups: cognitive motives and social motives. For the formation of cognitive motives, you can use the following techniques: the development of the curriculum with students; connection of theoretical material with practice; a variety of forms of the lesson, including non-traditional; organization of creative activity; differentiated training – feasible tasks for each student. For the formation of social motives can be used encouragement and praise. Despite the fact that in most cases in front of you is an adult and an accomplished person, he needs to receive a portion of approval from the teacher to stimulate his further activities. Stimulation and motivation of educational activities complement each other, their relationship plays an exceptional role in attracting, motivating and maintaining interest in the lesson. Methods of stimulation and motivation of teaching are methods aimed at the formation and consolidation of a positive attitude to teaching, stimulating active cognitive activity of students. At the same time, there are two groups: methods of stimulating and motivating interest in teaching (creating emotional moral experiences, situations of novelty, surprise, relevance, cognitive games, dramatization, discussions, analysis of life situationsЮ creating a situation of success in teaching); methods of stimulating debt and responsibility (clarification of the personal and social significance of the studies; requirements, incentives and penalties). When developing a lesson plan we should not forget that students attending business English courses in most cases do it in their spare time. This imposes a certain responsibility on the teacher. In any case, you can not overload the student, by asking him to do his best all the time. Most likely, it will not help to motivate him, but on the contrary, will destroy all the effort. Despite the saturation of the lesson, it should be moderately easy. And the last thing I would like to say. In my opinion, it is extremely necessary to constantly monitor the progress of each individual student, if possible, to give comments and advice. If the student sees the interest of the teacher, his participation, it will create the ground for the development of social responsibility to the teacher. So, in this essay, we have determined that there are several ways to motivate students. This is, first of all, the creation of an interesting lesson, secondly - is the application of the theoretical knowledge in practice, in the third, the encouragement and praise of students, as well as the stimulation of debt and responsibility, as well as reducing psychological pressure on students. I would like to add that since the problem of motivation of students is one of the main problems of modern education, there are a huge number of ways to solve it, which can be tested at any time