Teach English in Xiji Zhen - Zaozhuang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xiji Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zaozhuang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

If a person is seeking a one-on-one English teacher, chances are that the person is highly motivated to learn English, or a young learner’s parent(s) see value in learning English. Having a one on one teacher would allow for specialized training and instruction. Dictation, grammar, vocabulary, reading, and writing can be tailored to the individuals needs and desires. Mistakes can be caught quickly, and misunderstandings quickly rectified. Despite the benefits of being the only student the teacher focuses on, one on one instruction does have its cons. Firstly, the student misses out on the opportunity to consistently meet and speak with others with interests in or dealings with English. Language classes attract diverse crowds and expose students to people that, outside of English, may have no other common subject of interest. In larger classes, students have greater opportunities to make friends. Students also have the opportunity to speak with other language learners at or around their speaking level. Exposure to a greater variety of speakers also helps the student get accustomed to a variation in speech pattern and tests their ability to listen to spontaneous speech. Without classmates, it becomes harder for the student to see how language use and composition can differ from person to person. The student also misses out on chances to learn from the language mistakes and questions of his or her classmates. Because the teacher is the student’s only speaking partner, single-person instruction students lack opportunities to become comfortable with speaking English to and around others. Students cannot be given experience the group or partner speaking experience that is provided in the traditional class environment. Upon being faced with real-world challenges, such as giving presentations in English, he or she may know the necessary language requirements, but may not have the confidence or the interpersonal requirements of presentations. The student also misses the fun that accompanies traditional classroom settings. Group activities, games, and discussions are omitted due to the lack of possible participants and the smaller range of topics and ideas that can be discussed. Without these activities, classes can become repetitive and straightforward. Lesson content can be taught at a somewhat streamlined pace, but spoken and written practice can be redundant and inefficient if interest and attention cannot be maintained. Humans use language to communicate with people, and people learn languages beside their native one to be able to speak to a greater variety of people. One on One teaching is a wonderful way to focus on the individual needs of a student, but there is a trade-off. While traditional class environment classes cannot produce focus on individual areas of concerns, individual lessons cannot implement group teaching styles or recreate group atmospheres. The cons of one on one teaching should be considered as heavily as its pros. Without thorough thought, a language learning student runs the risk of choosing a class style that they will not enjoy. If the class is not enjoyable, the student can become disheartened and disinterested in language learning, and even associate the disinterest with the language itself.