Teach English in Xuzhuang Zhen - Zaozhuang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xuzhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zaozhuang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teachers have the power to change their students' lives for the better. The best of them inspire their students toward greatness and show them what they are capable of. In order to be a great teacher, one must display enthusiasm, leadership, commitment, and compassion. By exhibiting these key factors, teachers will appeal to the schools at which they are applying as someone who will work to better the lives of their students in a variety of ways. Helping others succeed is a central component to teaching, thus trust, knowledge, and commitment are invaluable traits. For years, researchers have tried to unravel the mystery of effective teaching using classroom observation, case studies, interviews, experimentation with different methods and other approaches to study teaching in real classrooms. But, what are the general characteristics of good teaching? A variety of teacher qualities are related to good teaching. Research suggest teachers who receive proper training have more successful students. Although it is important, teacher knowledge of a subject is not sufficient for effective teaching. Definitely, certain teaching skills add spicy for creating positive learning environment, while others play fundamental role in student’s performance. But what do skilled teachers know? It takes time and experience to become an expert teacher. They have a rich store of well-organised knowledge about the many specific situations of teaching. Within the particular situation and topic skilled teachers have clear goals and take individual differences into account when planning to their students. Now let’s discuss teaching skills in broader spectrum. Teachers play different roles while taking classes. They are instructors, facilitators, counsellors, models and managers. An efficient teacher knows how to juggle these roles in classroom. Followings are main skills required teachers to take successful lessons: Knowledge of subject matter. In order to make change in students’ lives teachers should possess related knowledge. In other word, they are the example for students, supervising them where necessary. Knowing the students. Related knowledge is not sufficient to bring efficiency. Being aware of what kind of students are there to teach enables to create appropriate lesson planning according to student’s age, culture and nationality. Students vary in motivation, character and possess different interests according to their ages. One method which was successful for age range of 5 to 9 is less likely to bring the same outcome when applied for 9-13 years old students. In the same way cultural difference shows varied characteristics and attitude in performance. It might interfere with developing academic English and content understanding. For example, many Asian students come from a culture that believes asking the teacher questions is rude and inappropriate, because the question implies that teacher has done a poor job of instruction. Beliefs about learning shaped by culture and previous experiences in different kind of classrooms may explain why students seem quite and reluctant to speak in class. Teacher- student relationship.Improved students’ relationship with teachers is an essential support for learning, and it has important implications for students’ academic development. If a student feels a personal connection to a teacher, the student is likely to become more trustful of that teacher. To get started on building connections, teachers should make expectations for both academic work and student behavior clear. Respect for students’ needs and rights and needs should be at the centre of class procedures. Students know that their teachers care about them when teacher try to make classes interesting, are fair and honest with them, make sure they understand the materials, and have ways to cope with students’ concerns and troubles. Teacher’s encouragement. In general, as teacher supervision increases, students engaged time also increases. When the task provides continuous cues for the student what to do next, involvement will be greater. Activities with clear steps are likely to be more absorbing, because one step leads to the next. Sometimes when the tasks seem to be challenging, students loose their motivation. At this moment teacher should give them encouragement. If there are any mistakes, teacher can focus on specific weakness on that student and give him or her related task to ensure there is no any doubts. Management skills. Finally, teachers should possess management skills to keep balance and maintain positive learning environment. Classrooms are challenging, because they are multidimensional, full of simultaneous activities, past-paced and immediate, unpredictable and affected by the history of students’ and teachers’ actions. When classroom management strategies are executed effectively teachers minimize the behaviors that impede learning for both individual students and groups of students, while maximizing the behaviors that facilitate or enhance learning. Generally speaking, effective teachers tend to display strong classroom-management skills, while the hallmark of the inexperienced or less effective teacher is a disorderly classroom filled with students who are not working or paying attention. In conclusion, to create a positive environment and prevent problems teachers must take individual difference into account, maintain student motivation, and reinforce positive behavior. In addition, teachers should know how to tackle the problems when they occur through classroom management skills.