Teach English in Yangzhuang Zhen - Zaozhuang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yangzhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zaozhuang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

As a teacher of students that come from different nationalities and are learning English as a second language it is important to set some guidelines to help these students succeed at becoming fluent in English. One way to set those guidelines is by using evaluations and testing of students. Testing can be used at multiple times throughout the school year as well as the course to help see how students are preforming and learning. A placement test should be completed first on the student. A placement test will help a teacher see what the base knowledge of the student is and what areas they need help on. By using a placement test first teachers will know where to begin with the student. A placement test should be performed by the student on their first day and any time a new student arrives. As the course is going on diagnostic testing should be completed. This will help the teacher see the progression of the student and how well they are understanding each topic. Diagnostic testing is important to do throughout the course so that the teacher can adjust their lesson plans and spend more time on areas that students aren’t understanding. A test should also be completed at the end of the course as well so that teachers can make sure there are no areas that need to go back and be taught again or to see if the student needs additional one on one time covering areas. Evaluations should also be performed on students in addition to tests to see how each student preforms. Evaluations are completed by the teachers on students and this can be done on a group level or one on one. The purpose of an evaluation is another tool to help a teacher see how students are understanding and learning specific topics. When evaluations are completed on the group it will give the teacher a quick knowledge of the overall performance of the class. If multiple students are struggling during the evaluation period, a teacher should probably use that as a sign to go back and cover the lesson or try explaining the lesson in a different method to see if that helps the students understand. Both evaluation and testing are easy tools that a teacher can use to help see overall performance and understanding of the class. I would feel a teacher should do some sort of evaluation of the group after every lesson is completed to make notes or changes of the lesson plan for the future. Testing shouldn’t be over used as it can cause students to be disengaged or overwhelmed with constant tests to be completed. Both of these tools are very helpful, but the teacher also needs to know how to interpret the data and be flexible enough to change when needed due to the results that are given. These tools are able to help teachers set guidelines on the flow of lesson plans, the amount of time to be spent on each subject and the overall flow of the class. When a teacher is able to effectively use the tools provided and knowledge to adapt when needed there should be a hire success rate and students that become fluent in English learning.