Teach English in Zouwu Zhen - Zaozhuang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zouwu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zaozhuang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

In the teaching field, it is important to learn the students first. There are no same students. Everyone is different and unique. Therefore, teaching students with different learning abilities or levels can be a tough one. However, it is also important to learn ways on how to handle them respectively. We, teachers, need to learn and differentiate their learning abilities and styles to create fruitful learning for the students and also to engage all of them on all levels at the same time. Recognizing and understanding the student's learning styles can help the teachers apply suitable techniques in teaching the lessons. It also affects the quality of student's learning. What are learning styles in the first place? Learning styles group common ways that people learn. So first, let us know the types of learning styles. There are over all seven types of learning styles. I will first start with the Visual Style or Spatial Style. Students in this type prefer on using images, pictures, colors, maps, and more to organize information and communicate with others. This is how they can easily learn or receive knowledge and lessons. Learners can easily visualize objects, plans, and outcomes in their mind's eye. Teachers must incorporate much imagery into the students' visualizations. The second type is the Aural Style or Auditory-Musical Style. Learners in this type like to work basically with sounds, rhythm, and music. Students can typically sing, play a musical instrument, and even identify the sounds of different instruments. Music and sounds invoke strong emotions of the students. As an output in the classroom, some pursuits that use the aural style are playing, conducting, or composing music, and mini concerts in some activities. As teachers, focus on using aural contents in the association and visualization of the lessons. The third type is the Verbal Style or Linguistic Style. This type prefers on using words, both in speech and writing. Students in this type like playing on the meaning or sound of the words, it could be in tongue twisters, rhymes, limericks, and so on. Typical activities that this style include public speaking, debating, politics, writing, journalism, and poetry. Another is the Physical Style or some call it Kinesthetic Style. In this type, learners prefer on using their bodies, such as hands, senses, and the like. More likely, students like to play some sports or do some exercises, other physical activities such as gardening, handcrafting, and more. If the teacher will use the physical style, he or she can use touch, actions, movements, and hands-on work in their lessons and activities. There is also a Logical Style or Mathematical Style. From the word itself, students of this type prefer using logic, reasoning, and systems, and even relating to equations and numbers. Learners can recognize patterns and formulas easily, and works well in performing complex calculations. Since students can likely follow sciences, mathematics, accounting, law, and some computer programming. Teachers aim to understand the reasons behind content and skills. Some learners prefer to learn in groups or with other people. This is the Social Style or Interpersonal Style. Learners of this type find it easy to communicate well with people, either be it verbally or non-verbally. Students may enjoy mentoring or counseling others as well. For teachers, there are lots of activities that could make in the classroom. It could be role playing activities, group works, and many to mention. The teacher should remember that his or her aim is to work with others as much as possible in making activities in the classroom. Last type in the list is the Solitary Style or Intrapersonal Style. Students are more private, introspective, and independent in this ability or type. Learners prefer to learn alone using self-study. The teachers must align their goals and objectives with personal beliefs,values and points of view. Teachers must create a personal interests in their topics. Once the teacher have a feel for the type of students in his or her classroom, he or she can now plan the curriculum and course activities accordingly. According to Dr. Tomlinson, differentiated instruction is “an approach to teaching that advocates active planning for and attention to student differences in classrooms, in the context of high quality curriculum.” The TESOL lessons helped me to refresh my learning or knowledge on how to deal with students , executions of the lessons, and in classroom management.