Teach English in Dazhangzhuang Zhen - Zibo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Dazhangzhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zibo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The parent-child relationship is one that foster the emotional, social, and physical growth of a child. It is a distinctive bond exclusively reserved for children and parents in which they are able to enjoy and strengthen. This relation acts as the basic structure and lays down the principles for the child's persona, life decisions, and largely attitude. Although most individuals find parenting to be one of the most fulfilling jobs they will ever have this does not take away from the fact that this job comes with many challenges. Family life can be demanding, and with several imperative factors inducing stress on families it is not always simple. Primarily, parents want what is best for their child and a solid parent-child relationship will ultimately help produce and lead a child to better results. Parents have a profound impact on a child's educational and learning process. Parents helping children learn a different language in this case english is a multi-faceted process that can not be accomplished in a short amount of time. It is crucial that parents take small steps with young children so that eager and willing students are produced. Children are not fully grown adults nor do they have a completely developed brain therefore they will not be competent with large amount of information. The first step in helping a child learn a different language to that of their native one is that a parent must understand and believe the significance of english linguistic capabilities. This factor is extremely important considering children are adroit when it comes to picking up on parental attitudes. If a child is able to deduce that a parental figure and individuals that surround them lack care for learning the english language they will become more prone to approach the subject with less enthusiasm. There are many ways parents can help their child on a journey to learning english by making sure they are well prepared. For example, in terms of schooling parents play an important role towards a child's education. Although some parents are busy providing for their families there are various different ways that can help a child whether it happens to be a minor or larger task it does not take away from the fact that this will still contribute to a young child's development. This includes setting up a time and place for homework. Not only does this create a stronger connection with children and parents, it establishes that a parent is expecting the child to commit to learning by doing assigned work. Along with this a parent will also be able to recognize what a child is lacking in. Parents can also make a daily habit of asking about a child's school day and take any concerns into account. This will lead a child to be more comfortable around an adult figure so that they will be able to voice any problems they are having whether it is school related or personal matters. Another example, is utilizing the ability to communicate with teachers. Many parents can find talking to teachers and other staff within the school to be quite daunting, particularly if they do not find their own english skills to be adequate. Despite this teachers are tremendously valuable collaborators in order to help a child reach their full potential. In addition to disclosing a students progress report, teachers may be able to recommend the best techniques for implementing english at home and also may be able to point parents in the direction of supportive resources. Lastly, making a habit of reading regularly can help improve a child's english significantly. Reading improves as it is practiced parents providing access to books and reading aloud with children can contribute immensely. In addition to this parents can even go an extra step and incorporate positive reinforcement. For example, parents can set up a goal and every time a child reaches that goal the parents may reinforce that behavior by giving children something desirable so that the behavior becomes more frequent. In conclusion, parents play an important role in the lives of children and have profound effects on a child's ability to learn a new language.