TESOL Certification South Africa Vereeniging

Check out about TESOL Certification South Africa Vereeniging and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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As a native english speaker all I can is ugh. I remember how confusing past tense was to learn when I was child and this brought back all of those memories. I think this unit was too short to truly explain past tenses. I think it would have been more effective and less confusing if it was broken up into two units. One unit past (completed action) and the other focusing on past & past perfect continuous. If I was teaching I think that is how I would try to divide it up. I feel another separate unit could be dedicated to just irregular verbs and their past tenses. I feel that would help students not familiar with english. That is how I was taught in elementary school; irregular verbs were taught once students had a working grasp of past tense with regular verbs.