Best Online Tefl Courses 2020

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Federico Riva Destinations TEFL Information Teaching English in 2021. A few people have told me about their teaching journey already, so keep letting me know what your plans are in terms of teaching English abroad or teaching English online. Somebody said they're interested in teaching online, so that's really cool. Someone new has just joined us from Laos, hi there. We have Margaret who is also teaching online, very cool. I’m going to talk a little bit about teaching English online in this presentation. Juliana says hi, I think you've watched before as I recognize your picture, thanks for tuning in again. It's really good to see new faces and old faces in our TEFL family today. I have prepared some visuals that I'm going to share with you guys later and I will keep an eye on the...  [Read more]


Federico Riva TEFL Information Teaching Ideas Today, we are talking about setting realistic goals, basically having a realistic timeline for how long it takes from actually taking a TEFL course to going on to teaching English either online or abroad. If your goal is to teach English in 2021, what do you need to do? What are the steps? Okay, let me add this little graphic here, so that's what I've prepared for you guys. Setting realistic goals for teaching English in 2021 and as always please leave your comments at any time. There's also going to be a Q&A section at the end of the session so there will be plenty of time to ask questions and for me to answer them. I am working this whole live situation by myself so I might miss a question here and there, but like I said at the end...  [Read more]

⏩ ITTT 60-hour 10-unit Course in Teaching English Online with tutor

Teaching English Online is a rapidly expanding area of the TEFL/TESOL market. Estimates show that beyond 2020 there may be more people learning English online worldwide than face-to-face. No previous experience or training in education is required to complete this course. The course is designed for anyone who is currently working, or intends to work within the field of Teaching English Online. On completion of the course, you should have gained a basic knowledge of teachers and their roles, students and their needs, how to manage a classroom and the all-important skill of creating your own lessons, all with specific reference to teaching English online. Further topics of study include the practical requirements of hardware and software needed and how to use this. The course concludes with...  [Read more]

⏩ English education roles in Tokyo - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

1. Introduction 2. The Importance of English Education in Tokyo 3. Opportunities for English Teachers in Tokyo 4. ITTT's TEFL and TESOL Courses for Teaching English in Tokyo Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) have become increasingly popular career choices for individuals looking to work and travel abroad. Tokyo, the bustling capital city of Japan, is no exception when it comes to the demand for English teachers. In this article, we will explore the importance of English education in Tokyo, the opportunities available for English teachers, and how ITTT (International TEFL and TESOL Training) can help you kickstart your teaching career in this vibrant city. English has become a global language, and proficiency in English...  [Read more]


Federico Riva Alumni Experiences TEFL Reviews & TESOL Reviews For ITTT, our community of students and alumni is the most important to us. That’s why we’d love to share what our course grads have to say! This will not only have others make a better decision in whether TEFL/TESOL is for them, but it will also help the ITTT community grow bigger and stronger! The below answers were given from real ITTT alumni who have agreed to share their thoughts for our blog section. Ning Zhang It's the best and most widely recognised certificate on the planet. Learning things I never knew myself. I am currently working on teaching English online full time. I have developed a great learning package of my own, and I can see that I am quite good at this. My next step is to start teaching English...  [Read more]


Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas English to me and I'll answer them to the best of my ability. We have a first time watcher Sebastian watching from Cameroon and it is 2:00 a.m. there, wow thanks so much for staying up and watching our live stream, that's awesome. We are actually streaming live on Facebook and also on YouTube at the same time, so wherever you're watching from you can throw your questions at me at any time and if you don't want to miss out on any of our live streams don't forget to like and subscribe so that you always get notifications. I go live every Friday morning my time, depending on where you're watching it might still be Thursday, and then my colleague Liza does her live sessions every Tuesday. If you have already watched our joint...  [Read more]

⏩ Teach English in Lǚyi Zhen - Binzhou Shi - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Lǚyi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Binzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language. Change is coming to the way that English is taught in Japanese public schools. The changes to curriculum by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) increase the teaching of English at all levels of schooling. The goal of this change is, in the words of Ikuko Tsuboya-Newel, founder and chair of Tokyo International School, “The...  [Read more]


Russ Tuff Alumni Experiences I had been the owner of a tourism business in Bali, Indonesia when Covid-19 came along and spoiled all the fun. It was time to take my business and personal coaching skills from a previous life and build a new income stream. Having just completed the 120-hour online TEFL course in March 2020, I had the thought, “yeah okay I’ll do that Young Learners course offered by ITTT”. I did that course, and then quickly followed up with the Business English course, before applying for more than 22 online teaching positions over two days. I naively thought I was ready to go for online teaching positions with those qualifications. Of those 22 positions I applied for, one came back to me within days and said, “Thanks but no thanks” and another was quick to say...  [Read more]


Elizaveta Pachina TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas Being an ESL teacher is not an easy task, especially if you work as a freelancer TEFL teacher online. In this case, you have to be even more organized to provide better services to your students. This blog post offers you 3 apps for digital ESL lesson plans that will save you a lot of time. I know that many teachers still prefer to write their notes and plans on paper because it's the best way to make imagination flow. However, there is a considerable disadvantage with this approach: even if you are a very organized person, in time, it becomes challenging to figure out your thoughts on scattered lesson plans. A digital planner can help you sort everything out much more efficiently. This gives you more time to relax....  [Read more]


Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas Change is coming to the way that English is taught in Japanese public schools. The changes to the curriculum by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) increase the teaching of English at all levels of schooling. The goal of this change is, in the words of Ikuko Tsuboya-Newel, founder and chair of Tokyo International School, “The government has decided that beginning in 2020 all high school graduates must achieve a level of English equivalent to B1” (“Why do Japanese have trouble learning English?”, The Japan Times, October 29, 2017). To achieve that goal, high school entrance exams are expected to include more testing of productive skills in English. Therefore, junior high school students are expected to have...  [Read more]


Linda Dunsmore TEFL Information Teaching Ideas All right, looks like we're live! Awesome! This is great. So thanks so much for tuning in today for our actually very first Facebook live and I'm super happy to be here with Jessica today from GoOverseas. We're gonna talk today about all things teaching English abroad, online, and everything in between. All things TEFL and TESOL and all that good stuff and I'm actually tuning in live from South Korea where it's 9 00 am Friday and I think Jessica is in Southern California. Right, yep it's 5 p.m here so just starting to get dark. I've actually just realized I'm probably going to need the light before the session is over so i'm going to run and do that now while Linda just explains today’s topic. No problem, cool. Well actually before we...  [Read more]

⏩ Teach English in Sanyuan Zhen - Hanzhong Shi - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Sanyuan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hanzhong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language. NESTs vs NNESTs? According to Babbel Magazine – - approximately 1.5 billion people speak English – that’s 20% of the Earth’s population. This number will rise to 2 billion by 2020. Roughly 360 million are considered native speakers. English is the world’s lingua franca (a second language that people from different countries have in common)...  [Read more]


Federico Riva Budget and Salary TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Hello everybody, my name is Liza and I am super glad to welcome you to my weekly live session. Please let me know that you can see me clearly and hear me clearly. Today's live session is going to be devoted to a really popular question in my direct messages. I've received several requests to talk about teaching career advice and I hope everybody will find something interesting in this live stream. We've got the chat box here and you basically can comment with whatever you want. As I have already mentioned my name is Liza and I am a TEFL expert and a former ESL teacher. I’ve been teaching online since 2020 because of the quarantine and because I just want to work remotely. I'm also a non-native English speaker and I've...  [Read more]


Najwa Sabih Destinations Alumni Experiences Turkey is one of the most beautiful countries where you can have a lovely vacation. There are many touristic sites and fascinating places that will mesmerize you with the beauty of this country. Though, living in Turkey can be challenging. It is completely different from coming for tourism. When I decided to move to Istanbul almost two years ago, in October 2020, it was still the period of the covid-19 pandemic. This was really hard, as the companies were still closed, and everything was online, which made it hard for me to find a job. I was still an undergraduate back then, which was also a negative point for me to be able to have a job. Later, things turned out for the best. When I first came here, I believed that it was very hard for me to...  [Read more]


Federico Riva Destinations TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Hi guys, my name is Linda from ITTT, nice to see you again. If you can see me and hear me just say hi in the comment section, it would be really nice. Yeah, back this week with another exciting topic, how much money can you really make teaching English? Very interesting topic as we all need to know how much money we can make if we want to go and teach English abroad. I'm also going to cover how much money you can make when you teach online, so very important topics that we are covering today. If you are listening to this as a podcast episode, thank you so much for the download. As you might know we always turn our live sessions into podcast episodes that you can find on Spotify, Google Podcasts, iTunes, all of your most...  [Read more]


Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Hello everybody. It’s Liza here and I'm super glad to welcome you to my weekly ITTT live session. Today's session is devoted to international exams and the reasons to take them as a non-native ESL teacher. Before we begin, please let me know if you see me and hear me clearly, just because I want to make sure my equipment works smoothly. We've got this comments section and you can basically communicate with me through that. While we wait for some more people to join us let me know where you are tuning in from. I’m located in the Ural Region of Russia in a city called Yekaterinburg. It's pretty chilly today but really sunny and it means that spring is just around the corner. I hope so and what about you guys? Let me know where you are...  [Read more]


Linda Dunsmore Destinations Currently, there are around 1.75 billion people speaking and learning English around the world and researchers say that by 2020 more than two billion people will speak and learn English. This means, now is the perfect time to embark on your adventure of teaching English abroad. Whether you are looking for opportunities in Asia, South America, the Middle East or Europe, qualified English teachers are hired everywhere. Even English-speaking countries have a never-before-seen demand for ESL teachers. The best part? No prior teaching experience is required to get hired. All you need is the will to explore the world and oftentimes an internationally accredited TEFL certificate. A TEFL certification course teaches you the exact skills necessary to teach any type of...  [Read more]


Federico Riva Destinations TEFL Information Hi everyone, here's Linda again from ITTT. Today we're talking about something really interesting and exciting, teaching English in Asia. Also, all you need to know about how to get to Asia, the countries in Asia with the highest demand, and also the best sort of recruiters and teaching job platforms where you can find the best jobs for teaching English in Asia. I'm super excited about this topic today as I have been pretty much based in Asia since 2012. I spent some time in China and I am now in South Korea where I've been for the last six years. I'm so excited to share my experience with you guys and hopefully maybe some of you can also share your experience, if you have experience in teaching English in Asia. If you want to know anything...  [Read more]

⏩ TEFL Courses in Buenos Aires - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Argentina - Inclass Courses

  TEFL International's centre in Buenos Aires, Argentina is an unbeatable destination to take the TEFL Certification course in Latin America. There are lots of job opportunities for TEFL certified native or fluent English speakers, and you can also learn or improve your Spanish. As the capital city of Argentina, Buenos Aires has so much to offer visitors that it is difficult to narrow down your itinerary to just a few things to do. Buenos Aires is a thriving multicultural city and the best way to explore its diversity is to get out and about in the various neighborhoods that make up the city. By choosing to study with TEFL International in Buenos Aires, you are signing up for an exciting and rewarding time in Argentina. Known as the "Paris of South America", Buenos Aires is one of the...  [Read more]


Federico Riva Budget and Salary TEFL Information Teaching Ideas Today, we are going to talk about the “biggest misconceptions about TEFL and TESOL and teaching English abroad”. We get a lot of questions here at ITT, and a lot of people are confused and I just want to clear a few things up, some myths here and there, and I think I've narrowed it down to eight misconceptions that we're going to look at and you can throw your questions at me at any time. I would also really like to know where you are like in your TEFL journey, are you currently taking a TEFL or TESOL course? Are you thinking about it? Are you already certified? Or are you already teaching abroad? Let me know, that would be interesting to know. Let's jump right into the biggest misconceptions about TEFL and TESOL and...  [Read more]


Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas Welcome, my name is Linda nice to see you. I’m a TEFL and TESOL professional at ITTT and I’ve been living and working in Asia since 2012-ish and I live in South Korea and I’ve been here for five and a half years. I also taught English in China and here in Korea as well and I also work for ITTT and we have a guest so to speak but also from ITTT but joining us for the first time my colleague Lisa. My name is Liza. I’m a TEFL and TESOL expert at ITTT as Linda and I’m also a former ESL teacher. I’ve been teaching online this year but before I worked in China as a lead teacher in a kindergarten so that was quite fun and I'll share my experience today. Well the first city was close to Beijing. It was Tianjin and then...  [Read more]


Federico Riva Destinations TEFL Information oday’s exciting topic is the top hiring seasons for teaching English abroad. We're going to go over different countries on different continents and what their hiring seasons are, so when's the best time to go job hunting. Also there will be some tips for job hunting in those places as sometimes you need to get hired in advance when you're still in your home country and you can do online interviews, but in some countries you need to apply in person. So we're going to talk about that as well. Thanks so much for tuning in and as always please don't forget to like and subscribe so that you never miss a live session. We go live twice a week, one time with me on Fridays, or Thursday depending where you are in the world, and my colleague Liza goes...  [Read more]


Federico Riva TEFL Information Teaching Ideas Hello everybody, I'm glad to see that some people have already joined me. My name is Liza, your ITTT TEFL friend and today we are going to talk about the most interesting topic from all of them I suppose. We are going to discuss online teaching and during this session I am going to share several ideas on how to enhance your online classes in 2021. I hope you enjoy it because it's something really cool to try and before we start let me quickly check if the equipment is working, if you see me clearly and if you hear me clearly please let me know in the comment section. Okay. So it’s nice to see you guys and thanks for joining. I see several comments but I'm not sure what they are as there is something bad going on in the comment section. I...  [Read more]


Federico Riva TEFL Information Teaching Ideas Hello everybody, it's Liza here and I'm super happy to welcome you to today's ITTT live session. I hope that you have some spare time to tune in and talk about another exciting teaching topic. If you can see and hear me clearly, please let me know via the chatbox. I'm super excited not only because of this live session but also because of the weather, it is super warm here today. My hometown is blooming, and it feels so nice. Let me know where you are tuning in from. I am actually located in the middle of Russia in the city of Yekaterinburg. Usually it's pretty cold here but May is just the best month of the year, so if you are thinking of coming here one day it's better to choose May and you'll definitely love it. I can see that there are...  [Read more]


Linda Dunsmore Destinations TEFL Information Welcome to another live session. My name is Linda from ITTT and you can find me on social media at @lindagoeseast. Thanks for tuning in, let me just see that everything's working. If you can see me and if you can hear me, please leave a comment as always. I have been living in South Korea for five and a half years. I am about an hour and a half South of Seoul in a city called Cheongju. It's kind of in the center of South Korea. We are the only province that doesn't border the ocean but it's really great and it's actually snowing right now. I’m excited to be here today as you probably already know what the topic is going to be about today the best countries for teaching English in 2021 because teaching English abroad is not dead, it's still...  [Read more]


Federico Riva TEFL Information Teaching Ideas Hi my name is Linda from ITTT, international TEFL and TESOL Training and I'm back again today for another live session. If you can hear me and see me please let me know as I'm trying out a new mic today so if that is working well it would be good to know. So please leave a quick comment to say hi and where you're watching from. I have been living in South Korea for five and a half years, so for me right now it's 10:00 a.m. Friday morning. Let me know where you are tuning in from and what time it is where you are. We can get started on today's topic which is the best government programs for teaching English abroad. If you're interested in teaching English abroad then you should definitely keep watching as there's a lot of good stuff coming...  [Read more]


Federico Riva Destinations TEFL Information Hi and welcome to another live session from ITTT. My name is Linda and I'm here today to talk about teaching English in South Korea. Let me just show you today's topic so that everybody who's joining knows what's happening today. Today we're talking about teaching English in South Korea and I'm so excited about this topic and it's actually been a super requested topic every time I do a live session. I've been living in Korea for almost six years and I have been teaching a few different classes. I have done summer camps and winter camps and teaching kids and teaching adults, teaching business English, teaching conversation, teaching full-time at a kindergarten and elementary school with afternoon programs and stuff like that. So I hope that...  [Read more]


Federico Riva Destinations TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Hello everybody, Liza here and I'm super happy to welcome you to this ITTT live session. It's a bit of an unusual time to meet because my sessions are usually on Tuesdays and today is Saturday. Anyway, I'm super happy that you could make it. Today's session is going to be slightly different because we are going to talk with my good friend about teaching in China. I know that many people are interested in this topic, so stay tuned because in a moment he will join me to talk about working in China and stuff like that. If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask them via the comment section. As for the timing for today, we are going to talk for around 60 minutes. I hope that we will be able to discuss all of the main...  [Read more]

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