Teach English in Lewu Zhen - Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Lewu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

07/17/2019 Role of the Teacher Teachers build the next generation by educating them and it is precisely because of this that they play such a vital role in society. It is also because of this fact that a teacher’s role in the classroom is immensely important as it also may affect students outside the classroom. For example, a bad experience with one math teacher in sixth grade may cause a student to dislike math forever. In general, in the classroom, a teacher’s role is to build the environment, motivate or encourage students, be role models, listen to their students and most importantly to educate. In order to build a comfortable and nurturing environment, a teacher must set the tone in the classroom. To do this, different teachers may have different approaches, while some play a game with students on the first day to get them comfortable, some may only go over rules on the first day to make the students quiet during their class. A student’s behavior in the classroom is a reflection of the teacher’s and so the teacher must be very careful in making sure they are not acting in a way to make students act out, if a teacher is negative and unmotivated, students will also become negative and unmotivated, actually, they’ll probably dislike the class for this reason. On the other hand, if a teacher is warm, positive and motivated, students may be influenced and may even look forward to the class, not just for the subject matter, but because the teacher has such a positive effect on them. A teacher must also motivate and encourage students. How a teacher does this may also vary, sometimes it may be direct, but part of being a teacher is being a mentor and this in effect may motivate students. A teacher shouldn’t just teach students to do the bare minimum, they should encourage students to try their best and challenge themselves whenever possible. Teachers can do this simply by listening to the students and encouraging their individual ideas, sometimes just simply listening to a student gives them all the encouragement they need. Some teachers may do this by holding discussions in a group or individually, either way, it is important that the student knows that the teacher wants what is best for them. By mentoring and encouraging students, a teacher also becomes a role model. Students spend most of their time with teachers and so it is very common for them to become role models. A teacher’s job extends beyond educating the students on the core subjects, teachers must also care for the students. Students and their parents look up to the teachers for education and so it's important that a teacher understands this. Also within this category is making sure the student is okay, looking out for signs of trouble and looking into them. Teachers main role is to educate the students, and while this may seem obvious, this education extends beyond the core subjects. Teachers should make goals for their students, as a group and individually and help students to reach these goals. Usually, a teacher is given a curriculum and must follow it by teaching students all the material contained. While a teacher’s role may seem as simple and ‘teaching students in school’, it actually extends far beyond that. A teacher’s role is just as important inside the classroom as it is outside of it, whether it be listening to the students concerns and questions or even just simply showing a positive attitude during class. All in all, a teacher must be able to encourage and uplift their students, making them feel welcome and allowing them space to grow and reach beyond what they imagine.