Teach English in Nanxin Zhen - Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Nanxin Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teachers play a very influential and important role in the lives of their students. There are certain personal qualities that help a teacher to make more of an impact in the learning journeys of their students. I believe it is important for English Teachers to possess to following five qualities: empathy, creativity, cultural awareness, patience, and bilingualism or experience with a second language. These personal qualities are discussed in more detail below. Empathy: People and students need to feel that they are understood and that teachers care. This reduces judgement and the simple allowance for students to be who they are and learn at their own pace. People come from different backgrounds, education levels and cultures. They have their own interests, passions, learning outcomes and personal experiences. Students have differing learning styles, personal temperaments and learn at different speeds. Also, it is important to acknowledge that people are living their lives and learning at the same time. For example, many of the adult learners will have small children to take care of and they may also have extensive work demands. There is so much that may affect the way in which they learn and absorb learning materials. The ability to empathize with and to put oneself in another’s shoes is very valuable for English teachers. Creativity: Each student has their own interests, passions and reasons for learning English. What might work for one student, may not work for another. For learning, there really is no one-size-fits-all method and it can take both energy and creativity to think of unique ways to motivate your students. The ability to think outside of the box and to find different methods for teaching a specific point can make lessons more engaging for the learners. With the internet being right at our fingertips, we do not even have to create the content from scratch. Rather, we can be imaginative and look for existing resources and tools that capture the attention and meet the needs of the learner. For example, there are many videos available online that help distinguish between American and British English. We as teachers do not always need to reinvent the wheel. Thus, teachers can greatly benefit from being creative, resourceful and imaginative. Cultural Awareness: Now that English has become one of the dominant business languages, there is a global interest in learning it. This means that as teachers, we will encounter people of all ages, religions, cultures and nationalities. What is acceptable in one culture, may be considered disrespectful in another. It is extremely valuable to be armed with the knowledge and awareness of cultural and personal differences before entering a new country or engaging in interactions with new students. For example, there are particular ways of conduct to demonstrate respect in countries like Japan. A little research or a couple of questions can save teachers from experiencing embarrassment or potential misunderstandings. Being aware of different cultures can also allow teachers to anticipate problems for students. For example, there are common pronunciation errors made by native Spanish speakers who are learning English. The ability to accept and adapt to different people, cultures and situations is indispensable for English teachers. Patience: Learning takes time and people learn at different paces. Students will experience difficulties in different areas and excel in others. It is important to remember that no student, lesson or day will be the same. A stressful environment is not very conducive for learning. It is important that a student does not feel rushed or pressured to perform or learn. Impatience showcased by the teacher can cause students to shut down and fear making mistakes. What’s more, is that students should be encouraged to make mistakes, learn at their own speed and speak often. Mistakes are necessary for learning a language and a truly patient teacher is always appreciated by students. Patience allows for the space and freedom for students to learn and thrive at their own pace and rhythm. Patience is a key quality for English teachers. Bilingualism or experience learning a second language: It is important for a teacher to put themselves in the learner’s shoes and understand what it feels like to learn a new language. If a teacher is not bilingual, even an exercise where the teacher undergoes a lesson in a foreign language is helpful to create the experience of learning a new language. Everyone has a native language of their own, and learning a second or third language is always a challenge. Hopefully with this experience, teachers are more likely to exhibit a patient and understanding attitude towards their students. Additionally, it may encourage teachers to slow down, show empathy and use different teaching methods when necessary. Being bilingual, multilingual or having experience in learning another language can be extremely advantageous for teachers and their teaching careers. The five personal qualities mentioned above assist English teachers in fostering positive, supportive and safe learning environments for their students. I feel that these qualities are what separate the great teachers from the average teachers. They also happen to be the qualities of my favourite teachers and most respected mentors. As a teacher, I aspire to cultivate and develop these personal qualities in myself. These qualities make for not only better teachers, but better people in general. In conclusion, I believe that an English teacher who exhibits or who is developing these qualities will have better chances of success as a teacher and a greater impact on their students.