Teach English in Rilong Zhen - Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Rilong Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

One is more likely to succeed when he or she is highly motivated. To begin with Motivation instills a sense of purpose in Individuals. Secondly it is a driving force in the attitude towards learning. Motivation gives room to innovation and change. Finally, when one is motivated, they are more likely to influence others in a positive way. A motivated Classroom will definitely produce nothing short of success. Motivation and Purpose complement each other interchangeably. when an individual realizes his or her purpose, they are motivated to achieving their goals. In the same way Motivation helps a person realize or acts as a reminder of what their purpose are whether it be in life or in the classroom it is the same. Practically if one walks into a dead-beat classroom that is not motivating, chances are the students will loose focus on what their purpose are in the classroom and will be easily swayed having no clear direction. However, when a motivating Class or classroom instills a sense of purpose or reminds students of why they are there in the first place and what they need to be doing and which direction they are going. When one’s Purpose is realized the ability to be driven to success is more likely to be achieved. Motivation plays a major role in shaping the attitude of the students towards learning. First of all, when one is motivated, they are teachable for they are willing to absorb all they can. Secondly, they are enthusiastic having an open mind to new ideas and theories allowing them to have a broader understanding. Learning is not always an easy task in terms of the students learning abilities, the intensity of the lesson and the available resources, however when one is motivated there is no barrier to learning, they will have the driving force to achieve at any cost. Change is always a scary step in human nature for there always is a great fear of the Unknown and that change comes at a cost whether financial, physical or mental. When one is motivated, they are willing to make the effort to change traditional methods and adopt new ones. Students are able to use more effective methods when they open up to new ideas. Finally, when these changes are adopted not only will the student be efficient and effective in learning they will also be up to date with the latest information. A rotten apple can ruin a whole barrel that’s entirely true but it’s also said that a pinch of salt gives taste to a pot of soup. Students are more likely to find motivation in one another as they are in the same level so they understand each other’s needs, problems and frustrations and also as they compete. One’s success motivates the others to do better knowing that they also have the ability to achieve equally. Teachers are to be actively engaged in creating a Motivating environment in the classrooms, whether in the set-up of the classrooms or the lessons itself. A good teacher will always understand their students needs and knows how to motivate them. When a teacher truly masters the art of motivating students the classes will be more productive and will reflect in the performance and results of the students. In my years of teaching kids I’ve realized how motivation is vital and I have gradually mastered the technique of motivating them as they have a very short concentration span.