Teach English in Ruokehe Nongchang - Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Ruokehe Nongchang? Are you interested in teaching English in Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Based on the increasingly prominent role of English as a second language, people pay more and more attention to kids’ s English learning. Here this paper attempts to present the concept of second language, analyze the factors that affecting second language learning, as well as the advantages of kids’ English learning as a second language, and the effective strategies for teachers in daily teaching such as creating a rich environment for English , ignoring mistakes, etc. Firstly, learning a second language is a complex process. Obviously, kids’ second language learning is different from their first language acquisition. Second language learning is the processes by which people learn languages in addition to their native tongues. Traditional behaviorists believe that language leaning is the result of imitative practice, successful feedback and habit formation. Children imitate the sounds and patterns they hear, then be actively reinforced. Therefore, encouraged by the environment, they continue to imitate and practice these sounds and patterns until they form the correct language habits. According to this view, the quality and quantity of language that kids hear should have an impact on the success of kids’ second language learning. Secondly, the second language learning here is English learning as a second language in China. Actually, the process of acquisition requires a lot of contact and frequent use learners. Different people have different time to learn a second language. When others are making progress, their initial development of learning a new language changes. Some people seem to have a shortcut to learn languages. What makes language learning so simple for them? Maybe we will find some skills to help us learn second language more easily. To be a successful language learners, we should be independent, learn actively with purpose as well as self-mage and self –confidence. Thirdly, we’ll talk about the advantages and characteristics of kids’ language learning. The simple environment with no tension. Most children don’t feel nervous when they try to use language, even though their abilities are quite limited. But adults and teenagers often feel stressed when they can’t express themselves clearly. A comparison with older learners: Great interest. For older learners, they learn with purpose. But for kids, they learn because they think it is very interesting. Kids are not afraid of making mistakes. When kids are learning a new language, they make mistakes and then they will try it again until they make it correct. Fourthly, we’ll simply present some effective strategies of teaching English as a second language. creating a rich environment of learning English . Teachers who teach kids English need to create a language-rich environment. Kids’ language should be expanded and elaborated in detail with teachers’ explanation of unfamiliar words and constant development of their vocabulary。 Be sure to make their mouth open , and speak more English in the class. Ignoring mistakes and making your teaching more interesting When teaching kids English as a second language, nothing is very important. Effective teachers often check their kids’ feedback to show that he or she understand what the teacher says. If kids answer your questions with words, make sure you repeat the answers with more simple sentences instead of correcting their mistakes. Try to make it more interesting in the class with some games or special tasks; let them to be active and enjoy your teaching. In a word, in the 21st century, it is very important to learn English as a second language. For kids, we should pay much attention to their golden period of learning English as a second language.