Teach English in Shuanghe Zhen - Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shuanghe Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

A teacher is not only someone with knowledges where his/her function is only to teach and to help learners to assimilate a language. A teacher have multiples roles such as Instructor, Facilitator, Mentor, Psychologist, counsellor and Policeman but and mostly he/she has to be a good manager. The teacher effectively have to take into consideration different aspects to make students feel comfortable during courses but as well to keep their interests and motivations. There are 9 aspects that we will identify further below. First thing that a teacher should think about is himself/herself. Students will take as a role model their own teacher so he/she should have an irreproachable behaviour. First the teacher should manage his/her voice pitch. The voice should be adapted regarding the situation. The voice should be clear enough to be heard by every students in the room. It could be necessary to raised the voice or low it in function of the volume of the classroom or in function of the number of students, to speed up or to slow down during instructions. The voice has to be adapted in function of the student, if the teacher is talking to someone very shy maybe it would be wise to adapt a smooth voice to give the student more confidence or in contrary if someone is making trouble during the course have a voice more firmed to make it clear to the student that he/she is bothering the course. Second fact to take into consideration is the gesture of the teacher. Always be sure that there are no gestures that could be injuring regarding the culture where the teacher is teaching. The gesture is very important for instructions, it can help to understand by the visual. It can manage the talk time between students and the teacher or manage the participation for activities. Third fact is to take into consideration students by learning and using their name when we elecit them during the lesson but as well take the time to know the student during the lesson. The teacher have to try to know what their interests, motivations, and analyse personalities. It is a good way to establish mutual respect and to elaborate a course more based on the student. The fourth fact is the eye contact, looking someone is very important to manage the lesson. It can make the student feel safe, give them some confidence, make them understand when you are satisfied with the work they are doing or give disaproval in case of bad behaviour. It can indicate when they can participate and give as well a certain consideration. Sometimes a look can be more meaningful than words. The fifth thing to take into account is to have a good managing with the classroom arrangement.Depends on what the teacher is expected, it is possible to create a whole class group to make students feel as a member. Or just arrange a pair work group to enable students to help each other or to finish an individual work where the teacher will be more present for him or her. The sixth aspect is the position of the teacher in the class. Depending on what will the course be about, what will be the activities during the lesson. The teacher should think if he/she gonna be in the center of the room to obtain the attention of every students to give instructions for example. The teacher can be as well just in observation, seat on a chair at the back of the room during the activate part of a lesson. Maybe the teacher want to be part of the group with students to motivate them and give some help, the teacher will seat in the middle of the group after having position every seat in a circle. The seventh method to manage should focused on the attention giving to students. The teacher have to be fair with every one of them and don’t have to give more credit to one specific student. The eight one is regarding the feedback for assesment, it is important for the students to measure their progress themselves, so the teacher have to organise in his diary a time to correct in a short period. The ninth and then last one is the instructions, they have to be clear and simple to enable every students to understand. The best way to manage is to check their understanding before allowing the student to start the exercice, it is very important to check that everything has been correctly understood because it is what will help the student to continue and improve his/her level. To conclude this essay we have seen that a teacher have to be able to manage and consider different aspects such as her/his personal behaviour but as well elements with the environnement to be able to build a correct course and manage correctly a Classroom. To finish, we could open up on another subject related to this topic how a teacher should manage the problem of behaviour from students without loosing his/her own control ?