Teach English in Songpan Linyeju - Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Songpan Linyeju? Are you interested in teaching English in Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Establishing rapport between the teacher and learners, and also learners themselves is important. It demonstrates a key factor which ascertain if a class is successful and enjoyable. Learners are more likely to contribute and participate in the lessons when the atmosphere is relaxed and they get on well with the teacher. Here, there are major reasons why establishing rapport is important : 1. It makes a 'good teacher'. 2. Thus a good teacher is able to maintain and enhance learner's motivation. 3. Also, a good teacher is able to manage the class, having friendly, relaxed manner, and maintain discipline. On the other hand, reasons set out above at the same time responsibilities for a teacher. Above reasons are followed by the final paragraph, 4. how to establish good rapport. 1. Making a good teacher While there are several factors to make a good teacher, one main factor should be good rapport and interaction with the class. Other factors attributed to a teacher's personality including 'motivate learners' which mentioning following paragraph and several others which are concerning the relationship between the teacher and the students. Anyhow, good teacher care about their teaching, however care even more about the learning of the students. 2. To maintain and enhance student's motivation There are many reason why to learn English. Whatever the reason, a motivated student has a greater chance of success than a learner lacking in motivation. Learners need to be motivated no matter what. Arguing about age, adult learners usually are quite motivated. Also it's usually easier for a teacher to build rapport and make lesson interesting with adult students because adults naturally have more life experience to bring in the class room and this can make the lessons more varied and interesting. On the other hand, younger learners may be somewhat lacking in motivation. Nevertheless, a caring teacher will help build and encourage their motivation. It can be the issue which is about the relationship between students and teacher and very important and complex. So an enthusiastic, sensitive, motivated and caring teacher who try to establish good rapport with students is more likely to motivate students. 3. Classroom management Establishing good rapport is essential to manage the class, having a friendly, relaxed manner and maintaining discipline. As mentioned 1-3 above, establishing rapport is crucially important. Therefore, the ways to help establish rapport are introduced as follows.. 4. Establishing Rapport Rapport can be established by the general attitude and approach of the teacher. - When making seating arrangement, be aware of which students get on well together and which do not. - Make sure the students know each other's names and a little basic information about each other. - Conduct ice braking activity at initial part of a course. - Choose materials and activities which involve the students talking to each other and sharing personal opinion or ideas. - Take advantage of a lot of pair-work and group-work-activities. - Change pairs very often to let students have a chance to work with a wide range of people. - Let the students to help each other. - Let students correct each other. - No individual students or a teacher dominate the group. - Elicit from the students and make them involved. - Deliver clear instructions. - Look like you enjoy what you do. - Have the right manner. - Be positive everything you do. - Show personal interest in the students. - Personalize activities to student's surroundings and interests - Ask for view from the students. - Always smile. As set out above, establish rapport is important to make a good teacher, motivate learners and to manage the class, having friendly, relaxed manner, and maintain discipline. Accordingly, the ways to help establish rapport are introduced.