Teach English in Tumen Zhen - Aba Zangzu Qiangzu Zizhizhou —

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Games in the classroom How effective is using games in classrooms? According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a 'game' is an „activity that one engages in for amusement or fun“. Hadfield defines the game as „an activity with rules, a goal and an element of fun“ (Klimova: 2014). Games have been a significant part of the teaching methodology for a long time. It is an interesting question, though, whether games are used because they are extremely popular with students or because they are also proved to be effective as a teaching tool. A great deal of research has been done on this topic. According to research, games are one of the most important tools in EFL classrooms. Firstly, games tend to increase motivation and participation. Games encourage students to interact and communicate, exposing them to the language(Gozcu: 2016). Moreover, if a cooperative game is played, it fosters group cooperation and therefore creates a high level of student involvement (Milczynski: 2011). Even shy and reluctant students react positively to games. Another reason why teachers should use games in the classroom is the fact that they help to reduce anxiety and stress. A familiar and comfortable environment that is normally created by using games can also encourage the participation of students that have special needs. A relaxed atmosphere in the classroom certainly is an important factor to consider. Thirdly, many studies suggest that games in the classroom enhance students' achievement. Games often create a meaningful context for language acquisition. They can help students learn new vocabulary in a context. Teachers can use different contexts and allow students to acquire the target language unconsciously. While playing a game, students are not concentrated on the target language but on the activity itself. This is very similar to the way children learn their mother tongue (Gozcu: 2016). Many surveys have also shown that using games in the classroom has a positive effect on the learning process (Klimova: 2014). Additionally, games can be divided into types: nondigital and computer-based. According to research, computer-based games have proved to be an effective tool in terms of students' competencies (Shapiro: 2014). A significant disadvantage of using digital games in classrooms are the often high prices of the necessary equipment, which makes the use of digital games as a teaching tool in many schools hardly possible. Finally, games can be adapted to various language levels and are often as stimulating for adults as they are for young learners. Despite a large number of advantages of using games in classrooms, there are important aspects to consider to ensure that a particular game can really be effective for the learning process. Teachers have to be very careful when choosing a game. First of all, games should be integrated into the curriculum of the school. They should include the language point being taught (Milczynski: 2011). The instructions that the teacher gives should be very clear and simple. Otherwise, the process of playing can stray away from the original purpose. In that case, students might end up playing too much and learning too little. Furthermore, playing games might result in a lack of discipline due to their element of fun. Teachers should remember that and be able to control the group. The same game shouldn't be used in the classroom too often. In some cases, games tend to become familiar and boring if they have been played too many times (Gozcu: 2016). Finally, according to a study conducted in 2010, games are becoming such an innovative and popular learning tool that teachers may conclude that they don't need to lecture anymore. Games should be used merely as a supplementary tool (Milczynski: 2011). To sum up, games have proved to be an effective teaching tool, even though teachers always need to consider the factors mentioned above. References: Gozcu, E., Caganaga, C.G. (2016). The importance of using games in EFL classrooms. Cypriot journal of educational sciences. 11 (3), 126-135. Milczynski, K.A. (2011). Effectiveness of Gaming in the Classroom. Michigan State University. Klimova, B. F. (2014). Games in the Teaching of English. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 191, 1157 – 1160. Shapiro J. (2014). Games in the classroom: what the research says. The MindShift guide to digital games and learning. From: Oxford Dictionary of English (2010). Oxford University Press.