Teach English in Baoan Zhen - Huangnan Zangzu Zizhizhou

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Introduction: In this creative project, you will visually present your understanding of formal and non-formal language using specific examples. It will have to be a poster size so ideally you should use poster paper but if you are unable to get or buy poster paper, you can tape several pieces of printer paper to create a poster. The teacher can provide paper as needed. Premise: You and your partner work for a small company Bae, In; a small export/import company and have been communicating with Walmart for the last month to setup a meeting. Objective: You and your partner will create a short dialogue representing the conversation that happened between you and Walmart. Grade: Your grade will be based on your ability to write sentences in formal language and create equivalent sentences in non-formal language. For Teacher There are 3 criterias students will have to follow to maintain some level of consistency and for it to be a guide for students. #1) Students will need to create their project in the format of a dialogue between themselves and Walmart. For example, text message, email, chat log etc. *most likely students will use email for formal *encourage students to be creative and use text messages, chat logs etc for non-formal #2)Students will create ONE formal language dialogue and will make an equivalent that uses non-formal language (this will help the teacher evaluate if the students understand the differences between formal and non-formal language). For instance, a non-formal correspondence can be “I want to set up a meeting to talk about our products” and the formal format could be “The company would like to set up a meeting to talk about our products” #3)The dialogue must be at least consist of 5 sentences if not more. But in total there will be 10 sentences as 5 are formal and 5 are non-formal. Having gone through the differences between formal language and non-formal language used in the business environment we will be using a project based assessment to evaluate a students understanding of the material. We will be able to see how well the students understand what formal vs non-formal is based on the dialogues they create. This is an in class partner project where students are expected to communicate in English while making their poster. Students won't be reprimanded for occasionally speaking in their native language because it is possible that they may not be sure how to communicate what they want to say in English. However, the teacher will encourage students to try their best and/or call the teacher for help in communicating in English. While the class is working on their project the teacher will walk around observing their progress and provide help as needed. The main objective for the teacher is actually making sure students are communicating as much as possible in English and to work with pairs that are not using English as a facilitator. Students will present their final project in front of the class by first introducing their informal language with the equivalent formal language.