Teach English in Kangzhuang Zhen - Liaocheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Kangzhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Liaocheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

According to U.S and World Population Clocks, U.S Census Bureau, 2019, there are 7.7 billion people in the world. Also, according to “Language and Culture: Introduction,” the world has “about 6,000-7,000 different languages” spoken today. Therefore, we need a global language, and English should be the official global language. When I say that we need an official language—English—, I do not mean that English should be the only language spoken in the world and that every country should stop teaching and speaking its native languages. I really believe that every country should have its own language because its language is their culture and history. However, I strongly think that every country should adopt English as a second fluently spoken language. We need a universal language to connect us. A universal language would make all countries and all people just one. If we had a universal language, it would make us powerful. There would not have any language barrier to stop us from succeeding. Throughout time and even in the Bible, language has been a barrier to progress. For instance, in the book of Genesis chapter 11, we can find the history of The Tower of Babel that illustrates exactly what I mean. The world just spoke one language, and because of it, the people were united, powerful, and capable of doing anything they wanted to do. Moreover, English is a language that has been taught as a second language in many countries such as China, Russia, Germany, Spain, Egypt, and Brazil. Almost every country, we can find someone who teaches—or tries to teach—English. For any country where somebody goes to school or is learning more than their home language that [English] is definitely the one most likely to be learned to speak. Many people learn and many people will learn English because it is a language that is growing so fast. More people whose native language is not English will tend to speak it not only in Europe but also in many places like Asia and South America because it is already there. In my point of view, English already is a global language, and it has been a global language more than any other language although not in terms of total speakers—there are more people speaking Chinese—, but in terms of how it spreads. Furthermore, English has been used in many Universities all over the globe to teach new careers to students who do not speak it as a primary language. In “English as Language of Global Education,” Doren Carvajal claims that many business schools and universities use English as the teaching language to persuade more foreign students to choose their courses. This “strategy” is used to “raise revenues” and “as a way to respond to globalization.” Carvajal quotes Laurent Bibard: “It’s the language for international teaching… English allows students to be able to come from anyplace in the world and for our students—the French ones—to go everywhere.” Besides, even though English is not the most spoken language in the world, it is the language most used to communicate. English is one of the most favorable as a global language. According to Cynthia L. Kemper, “…English is fast becoming the No.1 choice for cross-border communication worldwide.” Almost everywhere in the world, we can find English such as in printed on signs and media, menus, television broadcasts, spoken by hotel clerks, and bank tellers. When we travel all over the word, we may find someone who speaks English or some things written in English. Recently I moved to Europe, and I have been amused how easy it is to travel and live overseas when we speak English. Many countries in Europe speak different languages, but all of them use English to communicate with one another. In “ A world language: will it be English?”, Joshua A. Fishman confirms, “Never before in human history has one language been spoken (let alone semi-spoken) so widely and by so many.” Because English is almost everywhere, many people are inspired to learn it. Speaking English has helped many people to be in touch with other people and other cultures. I really believe that knowing English will put many people in touch with more people than any other language. Hence, knowing English has broadened the opportunities. People who speak English have vast options to work and to live in many countries. Indeed, using a universal language to communicate is the key to upward mobility. English has been the most used language to communicate, and it should be recognized as the global language. If every country would make English the official second language, everyone would have the right to succeed and not just those who know that English is the language of ascendancy. We have to have conscious that we are not just citizens of our countries. We have to recognize that our country is not just one more country in the world. We are the world, and we are all citizens of a global community. If we would speak English as a common universal language, we would not be limited by location, culture, or country anymore. We would be free to go everywhere without fear. Let’s make the most acknowledged language—English—the official global language! Everybody has the rights to achieve greatness. “The people are united, and they all speak the same language. After this, nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them!” (Genesis 11:6, The Holy Bible).