Teach English in Simao Zhen - Pu'er Shi

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In this unit I learned that there are four past tenses - past simple, past continuous, past perfect, and past perfect continuous. Each past tense has a specific usage and grammar structure. Past simple (for regular verbs) is V+ed/d . Irregular verbs need to be memorized by students. Usage: past action at a specific time (when the time is given or not, but the action definitely happened). Past continuous: aux. verb "be" in the past (was/were) + Ving Usage of this tense: for interrupted past actions; also it could indicate gradual development that took place in the past. Used in descriptions and often with past simple tense. Past perfect: had+ past participle of the verb. Equivalent to present perfect but in the past. Indicate complete actions with emphasis on results. Actions that occurred before other actions in the past, used in combination with past simple. Past perfect continuous: had+been+ Ving Usage: actions in the past that had been going on continuously up to the past moment we are thinking about.