Teach English in Huashan Zhen - Qingdao Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Huashan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Qingdao Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Confidence is a mental attitude; a state of mind. It’s a belief that is forged through each impressionable experience. By believing in one's ability, that ability is strengthened to accomplish tasks. As far as student are concerned, many actions help improve confidence levels and thus are keys to their success in the classroom such as: receiving positive feedback, the attainment of set goals, equal opportunity in participation, and the exuberance of the instructor. In an instructional setting, these are key components for a proper framework to build confidence in students. Initially, teachers need to set comprehensive yet realistic, academic goals. These carefully constructed goals give students something to aim for. After being built into a sequence of lessons by the teacher and met by the student, it breeds success and instills confidence into each student. When students are encouraged and given the opportunity to set their own goals, they are empowered to take proper ownership of their own learning now and in future academic settings. Second, the practical part of a teacher's plan should include clear opportunities for equal participation from every students. The idea is to transform the environment into a more participatory one and thus center around the simple principle that "Everyone's ideas are important". As the teacher establishes a more collaborative rather than competitive environment, a window of opportunity for students to verbalize their thoughts and feelings emerges in the classroom.This invitation also conveys value to each student's strengths and weaknesses. Third, positive feedback and genuine praise are keys to the emotional health of each student and the overall classroom environment. Positive statements and frequent praise should be specific and meaningful. An instructor should celebrate student's victories daily. For example, one may say "Toby, your paper is really well written. It includes lots of details. Well done." Or another example could be "Rosetta, I like the details of your pictures and drawings as well as the carefully constructed scale on your world map. Beautifully done." Fourth, a teacher who shows enthusiasm for the subject matter ignites a well-designed lesson in many ways. It will not only "pull" students out of potential boredom and apathy but will also build a framework for a greater appreciation and love for the topic as well as classroom learning in general. Further, enthusiasm connects positive emotions to a students learning. It can be expressed vocally as well as with statements like "Wow, that's amazing! I've never seen artwork so picturesque and detailed." Or another example could be "I deeply enjoy the times we can have heart-to-heart conversations about your passions and dreams". Whether its goal setting, equality in participation, positive feedback, well-thought out praise, or a teacher's enthusiasm, the opportunity for the development of a confident student greatly increases with the application of these outlined concepts. With a little work, they can easily be applied in any academic setting. Confidence, in any academic form, is transferable to a chosen vocation, to an interpersonal skill set and, of course, to continued academic success. The long term product of confident students will spark a perpetually productive and healthy lifestyle for themselves, their community and the world around them.