Teach English in Zhanggezhuang Zhen - Qingdao Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zhanggezhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Qingdao Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Firstly what is motivation? Is it really required or necessary for a teacher? What happens if we do not motivate the student? What happens if we do not understand the needs and expectations of a student? All of these,more of these, more than these,each and everything we will be knowing about the Importance and the role of Motivation which is playing a key role in a role of a teacher in you and role of a student of yours in either classroom or an Individual. Motivation is like helping a plant to grow faster by feeding it with water and making sure whether the photosynthesis process is going properly,if needed protecting from the climates. In the same way, Teacher should always build a connectivity(bridge) between student and himself/herself(Teacher). That connectivity is Motivation. Without motivation a student cannot get connected to the lectures. Some may get connected to an extent or some may end up the course with some dissatisfaction because of no motivation in the entire class and that way of teaching in a class is just like wastage of both teacher's and students' time. A motivation process implementation from the teacher will assist the student in developing a attitude to learn and also creates an interest towards the lesson. This is the first step where teacher gets connected to a student initially. We have to keep encouraging every now and then whenever there's a tough task performed especially and of course for the easy tasks too. Praising is a very good way of activating the happiest side of a student and that can build so much of confidence so that the student makes sure he/she will try to answer and respond to all of the other activities with an interest instead of doubtful nature. To motivate a student, we are supposed to understand and study the Psychology of students first,to be more precise each and every student. It doesn't take all day for that,just a couple of minutes would be enough to understand and then accordingly we can start performing the activities which are suitable for the students. As a teacher it's our responsibility to motivate our students. Sometimes we make mistakes by correcting each and every person knowingly just to show off,especially with friends or anyone who is lacking good English. But that behavior or attitude should never ever be presented with any of the students because that'll make the student losing confidence and could sometimes make the student detachable from the lesson as every time the student is getting corrected and then he/she might get a feeling that they are unfit for the class and maybe learning English is not their thing and this thought process can be developed. We know very well that English is the most useful communicative language which connects every person around the world,so to start with teaching the language, not just English any other language, we have to make sure we are motivating and making the student comfortable. Motivation develops comfort and builds confidence. Avoiding excessive corrections though we know that there are many mistakes made by the students,but nobody learns the language without making mistakes is a known fact,so let's accept the mistakes and let the students learn from their mistakes. This is how our attitude should be as a Teacher. We also should notice that when we are concentrating only on the topic what we want to teach instead of not entertaining them by some of the interesting games which always keeps a smile on their face,that could lead to lose interest and spoil attention from the lesson. Motivation is a skill. For a student,Teacher is everything. But for a Teacher,Motivating the students is everything. Which means the "Motivating students" concept plays as a teacher to a teacher for students. Whoever is going to learn the artistic way of motivating students can result in and build a good reputation with students as the rapport obviously gets built when motivation gets into ignition. Avoiding Textbooks for most of the times while teaching Individuals or in a classroom can help and activate the student productively. Because the Textbooks are used for references and also for the Syllabus,but in depth the teacher should finish the syllabus in such a way that textbook should appear like a piece of paper and teacher himself in a student's imagination should appear like a living textbook. In the sense,teacher is everything and more important who can make the lessons easy than that of textbook. But some people prefer to read individually and depend on textbooks as they feel detached in classroom,we have to concentrate on motivating them first along with everyone by using less usage of textbooks and more interactive sessions and communicative games which allows students to keep talking for a very long time. We should make things easier to the students, whatever is being found as difficult by the students should be ignored at the beginning,later concentrate on that by applying methods which can transform difficulty into easy for the students. Being sensitive to the students really helps because as we know the age doesn't matter for a student but what matters is that a beginner or a learner comes with a mind of emptiness and wants to fill it with appropriate and relevant language which can be useful for him/her to express every meaning of what he/she wants to convey. So we have to work on being sensitive. We should never forget that we have to expect and request students to keep raising hands and ask questions whenever there's a doubt or clarification requirement. Never conduct yourself as a dominant in front of any student though we are a master of English language because they might be good at some other languages other than English,which also means that we're beginners of their language,so mutually we should understand that there's a connectivity between student and a teacher. That's how the motivation process helps in building a great relationship. Sometimes if we do not respond it can turn their interest off. Because we should never ignore a student's question and if we do it should be of some other reason likely to be a part of motivation i.e other student will be explaining him/her i.e clarifying the doubts. But responding in time will help and motivate the student to be more actively participate in any of the atmospheres where we're conducting ourselves as teachers. Without motivation a teacher is incomplete. Motivating students defines real teacher.