Teach English in Baiyangdian Zhen - Shangluo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Baiyangdian Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shangluo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Most people associate the word "teacher" with childhood, youth and school. Some teachers leave their mark on our lives forever. They make us think, work on ourselves, master something new, sometimes difficult and incomprehensible. Later, we will remember them, about someone - with sincere gratitude, about someone - with laughter, and about someone - with fear. But what role can a teacher play in a person's life? The role of the teacher is quite difficult to overestimate. It is the teacher who provides us with knowledge, the teacher not only teaches us a lot of subjects, but also does everything possible for us to learn them. He also takes care of our physical and mental state, helps to reveal hidden talents, allows us to be an individual and helps in every way. Being a teacher is not so easy. It is not enough just to know the subject that you teach, it is important that you can bring it to the children so that they understand what it is about and then use it in their future life. It is a complicated task as it needs a lot of different skills. The teacher constantly acts in different roles — as a teacher (giving some knowledge), mentor (helping to assimilate the acquired knowledge), psychologist (trying to maintain the rapport and find the individual approach to every individual), parent (taking some care about kids), speaker (making the information presented interesting and easy to understand) and even a friend (trusting and helping in and, sometimes, out of the class). The teacher is also important to be able to interest students in the subject that teaches and prove its importance. And the teacher must be able to find an approach to each of the students, because they are all unique in their own way and if the teacher and the student do not get along, then the child will not have an interest in this subject. A really good teacher does not just read the material from the school curriculum, he teaches us to discuss it, to analyze what was told to us, not to be afraid to express our own opinion about it. A good teacher will be able to instill interest in learning, not only in his subject. He will find the best qualities in each of the students and will be able to develop them. The teacher takes a considerable part in our education, in our growing up and becoming a person. It depends on the teacher how will our acquaintance with science take place and how effectively we will use the given knowledge in our life and career. Teacher is constantly learning along with his students, so he has a lot of things to give children. To sum up, the profession of a teacher is difficult, because it needs dedication, self-development, communication skills and most importantly, probably, love for children and the desire to give them knowledge, help on the difficult path of growing up. Having such qualities, the teacher will become an example for children, they will strive for him, and strive for knowledge, world cognition. And then, many years later, they will remember such a teacher with gratitude. People who have met such teachers in their lives (especially in the childhood) are really lucky. After all, such teachers will always be in the memory and soul of students. They will be grateful to them for what they have. So the role of the teacher in our lives is great.