Teach English in Yufeng Zhen - Suining Shi

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PARTS OF SPEECH 1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb 5. Pronoun 6. Preposition 7. Article 8. Gerund 9. Infinitive 10. Conjunction 1. Noun A noun names people, animals, places, things, qualities, states. Main types: • Common - no capital letter – e.g. home, dog, school • Proper – with capital letter – e.g. America, Mariam • Compound – 2 nouns joined to make new noun –e.g. classroom, post office • Abstract – as an idea and cannot touch –e.g. beauty, intelligence, happiness • Collective – a group of individuals as if they were one- e.g. family, herd Plurals: singular +s • s, ss, x, ch, sh + es • f – v + es EXCEPTION: brief-briefs • man – men • foot – feet • fish – fish Countable nouns: a car- cars, an egg- eggs Uncountable nouns: music, advice, rice, water 2. Adjectives We use adjectives to describe nouns such as people and things. Size – age – color – material – noun Comparative form: one syllable adj. + er than – e.g. thin – thinner more + two syllable adj. + than – e.g. difficult- more difficult Superlative form: the + one syllable adj. + est– e.g. thin – thinnest the most + three syllable adj. + est – e.g. difficult- the most difficult Irregular form: good – better – the best bad – worse – the worst 3. Articles Definite article – the – before singular and plural nouns, the noun is particular or specific  “you know which one”  Something which is unique Do not use the: • Names of countries • Cities, towns, states • Streets • Lakes and bays • Mountains • Continents • Islands Use the: • Names of rivers, oceans, seas • Points on the globe • Geographical areas • Deserts, forests, gulfs, peninsulas Indefinite article – a, an – only singular nouns, the noun is general  Profession  Nation  Type of plant  Religion Zero article – 0 – Uncountable + general Countable + plural 4. Verbs The verb is a “doing” word. • Action verbs - +ing , e.g. go, watch, eat, play, walk • State verbs - +ing , e.g. be, seem, appear, smell, feel  Transitive verbs – is followed directly my an object. e.g. David plays football. Transitive verbs – cut, repeat, squash, contradict, unearth, make  Intransitive verbs – cannot be followed directly my an object, these verbs do an action, it stands alone. e.g. David arrived. Transitive verbs – verbs of movement – go, arrive, skate, fall, promise, come, depart, speak, sleep 5. Infinitives It’s a verb’s base form + to e.g. to go, to cry, to eat, to unearth 6. Verb forms Base form Past simple Past participle Present participle Regular verbs hope hoped hoped hoping Irregular verbs begin began begun beginning 7. Auxiliary verbs There are 3 auxiliary verbs: Base form Present Past simple Past participle Be Am, is , are Was, were Been Do Do, does Did Done Have Have, has Had had • Tenses – continuous, perfect Auxiliary verbs help form a tense or an expression by combining with present or past participles or infinitives or other verbs. It’s not a verb that carries the main meaning, it helps to form a structure. 8. Adverbs These add meaning or information to the action, quality or state denoted by a verb. Five main types: • Manner – well, hard, slowly, quickly • Place – above, up, here, there • Time – now, then, soon, recently • Degree – very, much, really, quite • Frequency – once, twice, sometimes, often, always Other notable types: • Comment/ attitude – actually, perhaps, surely, wisely • Linking – firstly • Viewpoint – mentally, morally, officially • Adding/ Limiting – also, either, else, only, too Adverb = Adjective + ly e.g. slow - slowly honest – honestly EXCEPTION: tidy – tidily fast – fast (no change) The position of adverbs: verb + object + adverb e.g. He ate his lunch quickly. verb +adverb e.g. He drives quickly. Adverbs of frequency: subject + adv. of frequency + verb e.g. She always sleeps after lunch. auxiliary verb + adv. of frequency + verb place – manner – time e.g. He will drive there slowly tomorrow. 9. Gerunds A gerund is the – ing form of a verb used as a noun. It’s used in the same way as a noun, as a subject or an object. e.g. Playing tennis is fun. playing-(subject) gerund, is- verb e.g. He enjoys playing tennis. playing-(object) gerund, enjoy- verb These verbs are usually followed by the gerund: admit, like, delay, remember, consider 10. Pronouns It’s a word what is used instead or in place of more precise nouns or noun phrases. Types: 1. Personal – subject – pronoun + verb I, he she, it, we, you, they object – verb + pronoun me, him, her, it, us, you, them 2. Possessive – mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its (never contains an apostrophe) • are not followed by a noun and have no articles – e.g. That car is mine. Possessive pronoun Take the place of a noun Possessive adjective Describe the noun Mine My Ours Our Yours Your Theirs Their Its Its His His Hers Her 3. Reflexive– myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves 4. Relative- who, which, that, whose • they connect relative clauses – e.g. The man that I marry will be rich. 11. Prepositions It shows the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and some other word in the sentence. Main types: • time/ date – at, on, before, in, from, since, for, during, to, until, after, about • movement – from, to, in, into, on, onto, by, off, out, through, over • place/ position – in, at, on, by, above, over, under, below, beneath, besides, between, near, next to, behind, in front of • of, with 12. Conjunctions They join words or groups in a sentence. They can do two things: 1. Join words of the same class i.e. pairs of nouns/ adjs./ advs/ verbs/ phrases • and, but, or, nor, yet • both…and, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also 2. Join clauses of sentences • as, as soon as, before, since, until when, because, although, unless, so, in order that