Teach English in Taiyuan Jingji Jishu Kaifaqu [Taiyuan Economic and Technological Development Zone] - Taiyuan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Taiyuan Jingji Jishu Kaifaqu [Taiyuan Economic and Technological Development Zone]? Are you interested in teaching English in Taiyuan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

It will be useful to consider the increasingly popular format of teaching English one-to-one. Before considering the comparison of advantages and disadvantages of this method, it should be mentioned that at the moment there are two one-to-one teaching formats. These are classic personal meetings and an online teaching format that has emerged thanks to modern technology. Let's start with the merits of one-on-one teaching. One of the main advantages is that the teacher is closely monitoring the pace of his student, and can see his mistakes more clearly, because his attention is not distributed to a group of students, but focused on one person. This allows the teacher at any time to change the pace of employment; increasing its productivity if the student understands everything instantly and can repeat this material for the next lesson with almost no errors; slow down and focus on one topic to make sure that this knowledge is safely learned by the student. In this regard, the coefficient of usefulness of classes for a student is much higher than if he was engaged in the class and his speaking time would be much longer. It will also be an advantage for the teacher that it will be much easier to pick up the phases (engage, study and activate), because during one-to-one lessons the teacher will get to know his student closely enough and knows that he will be interested in what topics should be discussed to interest students and encourage him to use as much as possible English. In the classes, it will be necessary to take into account the wishes of all students, which is extremely difficult. The same friendly atmosphere one-to-one with the teacher, without peer pressure, allows most people to speak without fear or embarrassment, as the student trusts the teacher and understands that the teacher will correct his mistakes rather than laugh at them. Such an atmosphere often turns the lessons into a conversation in English about learning the language, allowing the teacher to construct the lesson interestingly and incorporating grammar exercises in such a way that the student eagerly takes them. For young students, for example, it will be an expectation of games after an exercise that they like, for adult students it is an attempt to use the knowledge gained instantly in class and an awareness of their success when they do something. It should be mentioned here the advantage of online courses over classical meetings. However obvious it may be, this is a time saving trip and the opportunity to communicate from home with a teacher in another country. This training format allows teachers to take students from around the world right from home. On the other hand there are drawbacks. For example, activities in a group allow developing communication skills much faster since not one role model is constantly present but often different . This is especially critical for young students as it is vital for them to be among their peers and to communicate in general, and not only in English. Also, one of the possible disadvantages for non-English speaking students will be that, unlike the class format of the education, the teacher will not be able to give them a hint or explain something in their native language. For students who are new to the language, this may be stressful. Possible discomfort for the teacher, if the lessons are not in school, there will be auxiliary materials. This adds the need for the teacher to carry textbooks and materials with a margin, and if he has several classes on the same day with different levels, it will be physically difficult. I consider it necessary to make a reservation that the online format is devoid of this disadvantage. I can say that for me as an inexperienced teacher, this format one-to-one will be preferable because there will be no need for class management, more power can be concentrated on learning, less stress and feedback from the student will allow me to correct my mistakes in teaching almost immediately.