Teach English in Xugou Zhen - Taiyuan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xugou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Taiyuan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Howard Gardner, an American developmental psychologist and professor of education at Harvard University, discusses the idea of multiple intelligences and uses this idea to challenge our conception of what it means to be intelligent. In the first reading by Gardner himself, he discusses the fact that intelligence is defined by culture and that only certain things are valued as intelligent depending on what our culture tells us should be valued. He uses the example of someone having a strong memory for faces and people they have encountered but notes that this skill is not typically associated with intelligence. He also writes that people with differing mental abilities are often not considered intelligent; in fact, they are often diagnosed with “intellectual disabilities”. However, these diagnoses should also note people’s different abilities and intelligences rather than merely focusing on their shortcomings or struggles in specific areas. Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences suggests a broader definition of intelligence. Gardener has created a long list of different types of intelligences and descriptions of what those intelligences mean. One of the listed intelligences was visual spatial, which means that people who have this type of intelligence can visualize and conceptualize spaces or designs from a far. Architects are examples of people who likely have this type of intelligence. Another of the listed intelligences was interpersonal. People with this intelligence are skilled at interacting with and connecting with other people. People who work in mental healthcare other jobs that require personal skills and teamwork. In order to be a successful mental health care professional or psychologists, visual spatial intelligence is not likely the most important as interpersonal skills are not necessary to successfully design a stable building. This concept of multiple intelligences applies to experiences in school because students may identify strongly with some of the intelligences listed and feel no relation to some of the other intelligences. These intelligences also can relate to one’s learning style. Some students learn best through listening rather than watching or even reading. It is useful to be able to identify one’s own styles of learning in order to find ways to learn to our fullest potentials. It also key for teachers to be aware of these differences and find ways to accommodate their students’ needs. Teachers need to work to find and encourage each student’s set of intelligences. In his book, What the Best College Teachers Do, author Ken Bain discusses how teachers can show students that they are invested in them as learners and as people. This idea of investment is key and relates to a teacher’s willingness to support their students and find their intelligences. One way that teachers can invest in their students and make their students feel cared for is to take the time to work with them and show clear interest in their students’ abilities and potential. It is key that students feel cared for by their teachers because this is a far more productive form of motivation than fear. Another way for teachers to show that they’re invested is to consider every question and to make students feel comfortable asking any question. There is no such thing as a bad question if a student is asking out of genuine confusion or interest. Bain also emphasizes that teachers should not try to put themselves on a pedestal and act is if though they have already learned all they can, rather they should think about how to make students feel like they are worthy of intellectual conversations with their teachers, and they should show their students that they are still learners themselves. Lastly, teachers need to acknowledge that all students are different and that these differences are normal and even good. It is key that students feel that no matter what their ability levels are, that their teachers care about them and value them even if they aren’t the first to raise their hands or the first to understand a new concept. All students have different strengths and weaknesses and a good teacher will work to identify these and find ways to utilize the many different strengths students bring to the classroom while also working to develop skills that students may lack.