Teach English in Bajiao Zhen - Xinzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Bajiao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xinzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Anna Toews ITTT: TEFL Online 8 July 2019 Did you know that there are more than 6,000 spoken languages in the world today? Can you think of a more important form of comprehensive communication with another human being than through the use of vocabulary? If you have ever found yourself in the predicament of being in a foreign country and not knowing the language, you may have noticed that you can get by engaging in shallow conversation simply by having previously learned a few basic words or phrases in their language. You might even find yourself in a whimsical game of charades whereby you act out the words you are trying to express simply because they are not in your vocabulary. Regardless of what language is being taught, vocabulary is an absolutely essential basis for developing language skills. Teaching vocabulary builds the foundation for receptive and productive skills. Not only are having these skills essential for developing the English language but they are also important aspects of learning any language. Vocabulary refers to the words one must know in order to communicate effectively. Educators often consider four basic skills when teaching any language. These can be described under the following two categories: receptive skills (reading and listening) and productive skills (speaking and writing). “The knowledge of words, their meanings and uses is an ongoing process that expands and deepens over the course of a lifetime” - Linda Diamond (2019). Teaching vocabulary is not simply the use of a dictionary to find the meaning of words but it must also consist of interaction and communication with real people. The knowledge of vocabulary instills greater development in listening, reading, speaking and writing skills, which in turn are essential to language development. From a young age, children are exposed to words that they hear and often learn how to speak before knowing how to read or write. In fact, spoken language forms the basis for written language. If this is the case, teaching new vocabulary is essential for English language development. In order to learn new language, one must be exposed to it, understand what the words mean, know how to construct sentences and be able to produce them in practical situations. Not only must one be able to speak the language but one must also be able to understand what is being spoken. It is one thing to listen to foreign music and enjoy the melody but it is another thing to be able to truly comprehend what the song is about. Listening is referred to as a receptive skill as it means knowing words rather than being able to actively use them. On the contrary, productive skills refer to words one knows and is able to actively use. Quite often children and/or students of English are familiar with more words than they are able to use in communication. Therefore, understanding a wide range of vocabulary allows communication in more engaging ways, as well as ignites the ability to progressively develop both receptive and productive skills. Each of the four skills, listening, reading, speaking and writing, is equally important to the development of the English language and can only improve through the understanding and comprehension of words. Talking about the importance of vocabulary, the American author, salesman and motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar quotes - “Your understanding of what you read and hear is, to a very large degree, determined by your vocabulary, so improve your vocabulary daily.” As Ziglar said, without the knowledge and constant expansion of new words, one would be unable to effectively understand written or spoken language. Without the knowledge of words, the speaker is unable to convey intended meanings. In order to fluently communicate with one another, there must be a firm understanding of vocabulary and an adequate development of receptive and productive skills. Not only does having a large range of vocabulary aid in the development of language, thus assisting in one’s education and/or career, but it can also boost self confidence. Communication, whether it be written or spoken, is a skill that helps one succeed in personal and professional life. Being able to proficiently convey ideas, opinions and thoughts can boost confidence and personality. “Words are the currency of communication. A robust vocabulary improves all areas of communication — listening, speaking, reading and writing.” - Francie Alexander (2012). In conclusion, the development of receptive and productive skills is the foundation for successful progression in the learning of the English language and can only be improved through the ongoing expansion of vocabulary. In order to effectively communicate with one another, as well as gain the ability to fluently read and write, one must first have a sound knowledge of the meanings and uses of words. References: Infoplease, 2000-2019, How Many Spoken Languages, sandbox networks Inc., 24/06/2019 WETA, 2019, Teaching Vocabulary, Reading Rockets, 26/06/2019 Francie Alexander - Scholastic, 2019, Teaching Vocabulary By Francie Alexander, 3/07/2019, BrainyQuote, 2001-2019, Zig Ziglar Quotes, BrainyQuote, 6/07/2019,