Teach English in Chafang Zhen - Yan'an Shi

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Grammar refers to a set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses,phrases and words in given natural language. As a grammar or an English teacher, i will carry out a number of issues concerning the language so i know where to start. The english teacher who wants to teach must ask students the following questions and see if theY respond fluently for example: -Good morning class.... -How are you doing today? -What is your name? -What is the name of your school? -Why do you want to study grammar? When the studensts must have answered fluently, i can then proceed by introducing myself to them and tell them that i shall be taking them on grammar.but before that i have to make sure i have the neccessary material that i need for the lesson and if the students have the material too such as the white board , pictures, pen, pencil, course book, rubber and if possible some videos to facilitate my lesson. lesson of the day; IMPORTANCE OF STUDYING GRAMMAR. My objective of the day is that students should know what grammar is and why they study it and for them to know the impotance of expressing themselves in english. REASONS FOR STUDYING GRAMMAR ARE AS FOLLOWS: Definition of grammar: As already seen above , grammar iS the rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases and words in a given natural language. It could also be refered to as a system of rules and principles for speaking and writting a language, grammar is important because; 1- English is a universal language that helps people from different ethnic groups to express themselves . 2- It is the core for most universities especially abroad for it enables them to communicate fluently and freely. 3- Lectures by teachers are universally done in english so it is important for them to express themselves in english which entails perfection in grammar. 4- Grammar is the structure and sound of a language ; Native speakesrs are able to recognise the grammar but it becomes a problem to non-native speakers (One of the anticipated problems envisaged by the teacher for the students which is treated below) 5- The business sector is growing and grammar is the point of of reference or the universal language used and so it is impotant to know it . For spoken grammar to be made perfect, written grammar must be involved This gives the students full confidence of what he says: Here is a typical example of a grammar lesson. A TYPICALGRAMMAR LESSON ON "THE INDEFINITE ARTICLES" We all know that there are two articles, in English Language which are the Definite Articles and the Indefinite Articles but we shall base our knowledge on the indefinite articles using the ESA method of learning; TAKE NOTE; THIS LESSON IS FOR PRE-INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS . ENGAGE PHASE ;First of all I will elicit on the students on the alphabetical sounds letting them differenciate between vowels and consonants for example the students are expected to give the following in this stage; The vowels sounds are: a,e,i,o,u and the consonants sounds are: b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,,p,q,r,s,t,v,w,x,y,z. TEACHERS PART IN THIS STAGE: I will explain to them that the indefinite articles consist of "an" and "a" "an" is used before vowels sounds and "a" is used before consonants . I will then elicit on them to give examples of words beginning with vowel sound as well as consonants sounds and they will do it as follows : 1- Words with consonants are; pen, bag, cat,pot, pencil, dog and so manay others. 2- Vowels sounds are: ox, axe, orange, insect, umbrella and egg. STUDY PHASE: The teacher gives prepared words or words he must have printed as part of the material for the lesson consisting or the lesson could look like this; FILL THE SPACES BELOW USING "a" or "an". 1- .......pen 2- ......ant 3-.......umbrella 4-......pot 5-......goat 7-......insect 8-......egg STUDY PHASE: the teacher together with the children or the students correct this exercise . I can recopy this exercise on the whiteboard since the printed paters have already been used and we correct with the students together and in this stage inorder to excourage them and expose them to the language i will just ask the question and any students that have the idea will put his/her hand up and answer the question. In this case the students that did not understand the exercise or those that committed some errors can correct themselves by giving the answer orally.Any correct answer given shall be followed by a clap so as to encourage them pass next time. this is also a source of motivation for the dormant students in class. CORRECTION OF THE EXERCISE WITH THE STUDENTS GOES THUS: 1- a pen 2- an ant 3-an umbrella 4- a pot 5- a goat 6- an insect 8- an egg 9-a cat 10- an orange Take note: the indefinites articles donot match with words in the plural for example; a pot(s) is wrong and equqlly when we mostly add s at the end of the word it shows that it in the plural but not all words. ACTIVATE PHASE: To make sure that the students keep this lesson in mind i can then introduce a song on the relationship between the alphabet and the indefinite articles and equally we could play a game on sounds too. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS 1- Problem of native and non native speakers in the same class: The teacher makes sure that there is balance inclass by mixing native and non native speakers together or forming groups for one to help the other. 2-Boredom in class: Here the teacher in the classroom must be a motivator, or role model for the students so he must make sure he has learning tools like games, crack jokes in class, as well as sing interesting songs too, which are in relation to the lesson. So as a teacher i need to be creative and flexible too in this stage. Above all feedback has to be given after the correction. This could be followed be an exammination depending on the rules and regulations of the schools. the above are the some importance of grammar and there are so many others not mensioned in the text or in the essay.