Teach English in Chengguan Zhen - Yan'an Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Chengguan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yan'an Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

A teacher has many different roles in the classroom. It can be being an “instructor”, which is the “knower” of a certain knowledge. It can be being a facilitator. When a teacher is in the role of the “facilitator”, he becomes the provider of a learning environment. When the teacher is acting as a “mentor”, that means he is the role model at the moment. The teacher sometimes becomes the “psychologist” of the class and deals with students’ personal problems. Also he can act like a “councelor” and give help or advice to the students. When there’s a situation to be controlled give the “policeman” aka the teacher a call. In this summative task, I will provide some more information about the teacher’s role in the classroom as a psychologist, counselor and policeman. First of all, acting as a psychologist and dealing with students’ personal problems is a subject which should be approached with care. You do not know their personal lives and what they go through at their homes. You should be kind to them no matter what , so when they are not feeling well, they can come up to you and share their problems. You should keep this in mind that a child will only open up to you if he trusts and loves you. If he shares his secret with you, that means you are on the right path to being a great teacher. Secondly, if a child has regards about his education in the future, you are the one he will contact firstly. Because he probably thinks that you are so much wiser than his parents about how education system works. He will trust your word and you will be his guide. So be careful when you’re giving advice to your students. They will take your advices pretty seriously. Lastly, one of the most important rules that you must get your students to adapt is to act disciplined. When the discipline in the classroom is lost, the teacher cannot manage to complete the lesson. You would not want your students to act like you do not exist or behave like it is the break time. Be kind, understanding but leave a distance with you students mentally so they will not lose their respect to you. As a conclusion, teachers have many different roles in the class and they are suppose to choose which role they will take depending on the situations. It’s not easy to control the actions’ of 20 children at the same time or it’s not easy to give random advices that you know your student will follow. You may not be in the mood but what about the kid that’s sitting back of the class quietly? You do not know what he has been through last night. So while maintaing the discipline in the class, you should take care of the students individually. Talk about their problems after school and make them feel better. Being a teacher is like doing 5 different jobs at the same time but it’s all worth it when you see your good impact on the child.