Teach English in Xiasiwan Zhen - Yan'an Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xiasiwan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yan'an Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

A successful English as a Foreign Language course is dependent upon numerous factors. One of the most important factors is classroom management. Classroom management is defined as organizing the class in a friendly manner while still maintaining discipline. Preparation is the first step to managing a classroom. The teacher should arrive promptly with a thoroughly planned lesson. Ensure you have all of the materials needed for the day, i.e. flashcards, props, or other visual aids. If board work is required, try to write as much as possible before the class enters. This can be covered with a piece of paper until it’s time to be used, and it reduces the amount of time the teacher spends with his/her back to the students. The short time students spend in the classroom may be the only opportunity they have to practice English. Therefore, this time should be managed carefully and maximized efficiently. Fumbling your way through the class will not only detract from learning time, but it affects the confidence and rapport you are trying to establish with your students. Creating this connection is essential as it affects whether or not the class is enjoyable. The teacher can encourage rapport by having the right attitude and ensuring everyone knows each other’s names and basic information. Rapport can also be established through eye contact and gestures. Glancing around the classroom engages students and ensures they are all involved in the lesson. Gestures are helpful when trying to reduce the amount of verbal explanations and as a way of reinforcing instructions. The teacher holds a leadership position in the class. It is necessary that the instructor’s voice and confidence match his or her position. Voice projection and clarity of language are keys to controlling the environment. The teacher should strive to give instructions in a simple, consistent manner. Volume and vocal variation should be used according to the situation. For example, a large class would require greater projection. In addition, the tone used to give instructions would be different from the tone used to call everyone back to attention after group work. Grouping students is another aspect of classroom management. The teacher is responsible for creating groups then stepping back to an observing position to allow for student talk time. Examples of groups would include whole class grouping, pair work, and small groups. The possibilities depend on class size, assignment types, and available space. These factors also affect classroom arrangement. When organizing the seating arrangement, you must consider the space, age and nationalities of students, and types of seating available. Another consideration would be the overall atmosphere you are trying to achieve in the classroom. Orderly rows are the classic seating form and the best arrangement for classes of twenty-five or larger. The teacher has clear sight lines, and by standing at the front has established a position of authority that helps with discipline problems. A horseshoe arrangement would be suitable for smaller classes. The teacher’s position is less dominant and students are able to make eye contact with each other. Table seating is the most informal seating arrangement. This method of dividing the class is great for group work, but it can create discipline problems as students feel separated from the class as a whole. Students will sense the atmosphere based on the seating arrangement and teacher position. An informal arrangement, like the horseshoe shape, makes the students feel relaxed. It sends the message of a group-centric class rather than a teacher dominated course. This can be a positive thing. The students may feel dominated and unwilling to participate if the teacher is continually standing at the front, controlling the class. The teacher is responsible for instructing the students, so control and teacher talk time (commonly called TTT) are necessary. The teacher is the example of proper English and grammar. Students require exposure to the language in order to learn. However, when the teacher is talking, the students are not. Granted, this sentence seems self-explanatory and inane. It means though that when students are silently observing, they are also losing out on the opportunity to practice their language skills. Students should be encouraged to actively participate. Student-centered lessons are key to teaching English. They can give rise to disciplinary issues though. Behavioral issues can be caused by low self-esteem, problems at home, boredom, etcetera. Some of these issues are beyond the teacher’s control, but there are methods of preventing potential bad behavior. Interesting and diverse lessons keep the students engaged. Punctuality and fair, consistent behavior by the teacher creates rapport amongst the class. Displaying the same level of respect to your students that you expect from them fosters an environment of mutual esteem. Individual attention can also help with preventing or solving disciplinary issues. Knowing each student’s name and giving equal attention allows the students to feel included. If a student is struggling, he or she may act out. By focusing on that student and his or her weaknesses, you may be able to solve the behavioral problems. This is a continual balancing act as the teacher should also remember not to allow one student to monopolize too much of your attention. Classroom management is vital because it affects the entire learning environment. If the teacher is unprepared or lacking in confidence then the students will lose interest. If you have a poorly prepared seating arrangement or messy transitions between activities, then the entire lesson is affected. You will lose time and student interest, which can affect how they learn and how much they retain. Everything the teacher does or does not do will affect the class. Proper classroom management can be the first step to creating a successful English as a Foreign Language course.