Teach English in Zhangjiawan Zhen - Yan'an Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zhangjiawan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yan'an Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

If you want to give effective classes to your students, first you have to manage your classroom. Things like the position of your students can make a difference in the effectiveness of your voice, the rapport in the classroom and the noise level as well. That's why you should think about the strengths and circumstances of your students and how you can help them with the difficulties they could have. Lets do this together in the Following Points: There are a lot of ways to use your voice. Depending on your purpose and the personal needs of your Students you have to choose, if you should speak slow or fast, if you´ll use a loud and deep voice or if it would be better to speak more softly. Using eyecontact will help you to establish rapport with your students. It also can help you to involve them in the class. Looking in the eyes of your students will also help you to keep track of the teacher talking time and student talking time. The reaction of the student will show you if he really understood what you were talking about. With your gestures you not only express yourself, it also helps you to encourage your students to participate in the class. Another way to use gestures is when giving them instruccions or to encourage them to correct something they´ve been saying wrong. In conclucion, the appearence of the teacher can make the class very interesting, but at the same time; a teacher who doesn´t use his voice, eyecontact and gestures in an appropiate way, will always bore his students. So it should be the main goal to mantain control of what is happening in your classroom and give clear instructions. Another important point to manage your class in a appropiate way is the placement of the tables and seats in the classroom. It can effect the noise level, the rapport, as well as the effectivness of the teacher's voice. If you are working for example with the whole class you can organize them fast and you will mantain the control of what is happening in the classroom, but the problem of whole class grouping is that the shy students will not feel that free to participate in the class. Another way to group your students is pairing them in groups of two. That will allow them to speak much more than they usually do than in a whole class grouping and so they will learn to express their ideas in the language they are learning. Cons of Pairwork could be the loss of control because some students may start to speak their native language. Depending on the apptitude of the students in general the students can make a lot of noise with their partner so that others may not be able to participate. If you allow your students to work on their own you will help them to become more self-reliant. That could help them later to work on their issuses by themselves. On the other hand if the students are used to working on their own they won't have somebody to correct their mistakes. In conclucion, we can say that a good teacher always use the different ways of grouping his students, depending on what he wants to focus in that moment. Another very important point is the classromm arrangement. The way thestudents are seated can have an effect on the success of your class. Depending on if you are focusing on the students talking time or on the teacher talking, if you want to create more rapport with the students or you just want them to hear your voice clearly, or if you just want to mantain the discipline in the classroom. Orderly Rows for example are good when you are focusing on teacher talking time and if you just want to mantain the discipline in the class. The order of the tables in a circle would allow you to establish rapport in the classes. It will also help the students to see each other while talking, but it may be more difficult to mantain discipline. Separating the tables is a good option for tests or when you just want to reduce the noise in the classroom. As we can see, the classroom arrangement isn ?t just about the class size or how to set up the seats in the class.. It depends on the organization of the teacher, the things he does to establish rapport, mantain discipline and how he helps his students to progress individually.