TEFL Adelaide

Check out about TEFL Adelaide and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

M.T. –U.S.A. said:
I have gained a lot of necessary information that will help me to effectively teach my class english. Even though I already have three and a half years of teaching, I found everything in this course useful and beneficial especially everything on grammar and the methods or styles on teaching. The course also helped me to improve on my lesson planning. I plan to use the lesson plan template for lesson planning. Another useful area in this course was about pronunciation in which I found it to be hard but useful in a way that I can effectively teach my class pronunciation. I realized that I need to pay attention to a lot of detail when it comes to teaching another language especially knowing the needs, strengths and weaknesses of my students, course materials, teaching aids and equipment, resources, and learning skills. I will treat all the units as manual in tefl education.