TESOL Certification Iran Khoramabad

Check out about TESOL Certification Iran Khoramabad and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

I have learnt that a teacher should portray a lively attitude to get the students in the right mood to begin the lesson.Get the all the students involved in participating during the lesson.A teacher should illustrate activities for clearer understanding of the topic.A teacher should strike a balance between serious class work and sharing a joke to keep the lesson interesting.A teacher should use gestures to point out which particular student he wants answer a question and also for clearer explanation/understanding of an activity.A teacher should give students time to internalise the material he has introduced for a particular topic while he silently monitors the class.A teacher should be informative and passionate while teaching.A teacher should moderately correct the students as well as use their names during a lesson in order to relate better with his/her class.