TESOL Certification nicaragua masaya

Check out about TESOL Certification nicaragua masaya and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

The teacher's attitude towards the students plays an important role in teaching. The teacher's voice should have clarity. The instructions and explanations have to be in concise way. teacher needs to monitor the students during the activity. The teacher's language should be appropriate for the students level. Learners need constant encouragement for their effort. Unit 19 describes the various groups one might teach english to. It gives ideas on how to teach young learners as opposed to adult learners. It describes some of the advantages and/or difficulties in teaching children or teaching business english. Two pages of samples for teaching business english are provided. Being able to understand what the difference between the teacher and learner. With learning about the teacher role that there are more parts a teacher has to do. As well as the difference on learners and how they differ when learning such as motivation