TESOL Certification Japan Kashihara

Check out about TESOL Certification Japan Kashihara and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

A much needed explanation of past tenses. This passage described how to use those past tenses and and what times it is appropriate to use them. Many teaching ideas were also given at the time that the tenses were presented. This lesson is really interesting specially because it showed me how to prepare writing tasks. I don't have any problems with Speaking taks but since I can remember the writing task has been always a problem to me. Of course the ESA lesson is a big help to prepare the writing tasks. Good lesson. This chapter has shown me that the efficiency of the class is the dependent on the teacher's attitude and consistency. The contrast of the two lessons created a more clearer picture of the situation on how to be more effective in teaching english.