How To Move To Japan Without A Job

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Laura Payne Destinations Japan is full of vibrant, world-famous cities that many people dream of living and working in. However, when I first decided to become an English teacher in Japan, I never held such a dream. I am an introvert who prefers quiet spaces, and being close to nature is especially important for me. This is why when my goal of teaching English in Japan came true, I was ecstatic that I could find a place to work in the inaka (countryside). Japan's inaka is full of small, rural towns and reasonably-populated, but little-known, cities. My living and working situation is in the latter. Since moving here, my little rural city has been everything I hoped it would be and more. Aside from my personal preferences I've noticed that there are several advantages to living in...  [Read more]


Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. In high school, I was inspired by my English teachers and the way they were able to make material interesting and motivating. I remember telling myself that I would not be the person who changes the world, but perhaps as a teacher, I would be able to inspire the person who would. From the beginning, my motivation was to help others in a meaningful way. My goal was to improve the lives of others. When I entered university, I found myself studying philosophy to become a professor in the future. However, the reality of being a university professor was a lot of presenting and publishing, with very little teaching. Because teaching was my goal, I decided to leave my Ph.D. program and pursue a job teaching English in...  [Read more]


Gianluca Costa TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Many people have the dream to travel the world. However, it's hard to travel a lot unless you're rich or work for a big international company offering your business trips, right? What do you do about a visa, and what if you don't speak the local language? Fret not; it's actually easier than you think to find a job in an exciting foreign country. If you are a native English speaker or speak English fluently, why not consider a job teaching English abroad? English teachers are always in demand in countries where the English language is not the native language. Before you start your travel, you should consider getting TEFL qualified by completing a TEFL course, like the ones offered by ITTT. You can complete a course entirely online at...  [Read more]


Linda Dunsmore TEFL Information Teaching Ideas All right, looks like we're live! Awesome! This is great. So thanks so much for tuning in today for our actually very first Facebook live and I'm super happy to be here with Jessica today from GoOverseas. We're gonna talk today about all things teaching English abroad, online, and everything in between. All things TEFL and TESOL and all that good stuff and I'm actually tuning in live from South Korea where it's 9 00 am Friday and I think Jessica is in Southern California. Right, yep it's 5 p.m here so just starting to get dark. I've actually just realized I'm probably going to need the light before the session is over so i'm going to run and do that now while Linda just explains today’s topic. No problem, cool. Well actually before we...  [Read more]


Linda Dunsmore TEFL Information Teaching English abroad is one of the most sought-after career paths for many people these days. Who wouldn’t love to travel and move to a new country, while making good money and changing the lives of countless people wanting to improve their English? There are many ways to make it abroad and start your dream job and one of them is by going through a teaching program. However, these programs often involve high fees in exchange for services that we believe can easily be done yourself! Here are 4 reasons why you don't need a program to teach English abroad. It is estimated that there are currently around 1.75 billion people speaking and learning English around the world and researchers say that by 2020 more than two billion people will speak and learn...  [Read more]

⏩ Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Roby - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Roby from the US share her experiences of completing ITTT's 120 online TEFL/TESOL certification course in this TESOL review. She talks about how best to complete the course and she outlines the support that was given to her by her online tutor. She also talks about the ongoing job support that ITTT offers to all its graduates. Roby plans to complete ITTT's two specialized courses, the Business English course and the Teaching English to Young Learners course. These two additional teaching qualifications will greatly improve her career options when she moves to Japan. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English...  [Read more]

⏩ Can I teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": " Can I teach English abroad without any teaching experience?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": " How do I teach English without knowing my student's language?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": " How will a TEFL certificate help me in the classroom?","url": ""},{"@context":...  [Read more]


Federico Riva Budget and Salary TEFL Information Teaching Ideas Today, we are going to talk about the “biggest misconceptions about TEFL and TESOL and teaching English abroad”. We get a lot of questions here at ITT, and a lot of people are confused and I just want to clear a few things up, some myths here and there, and I think I've narrowed it down to eight misconceptions that we're going to look at and you can throw your questions at me at any time. I would also really like to know where you are like in your TEFL journey, are you currently taking a TEFL or TESOL course? Are you thinking about it? Are you already certified? Or are you already teaching abroad? Let me know, that would be interesting to know. Let's jump right into the biggest misconceptions about TEFL and TESOL and...  [Read more]


Federico Riva Destinations TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Hi guys, my name is Linda from ITTT, nice to see you again. If you can see me and hear me just say hi in the comment section, it would be really nice. Yeah, back this week with another exciting topic, how much money can you really make teaching English? Very interesting topic as we all need to know how much money we can make if we want to go and teach English abroad. I'm also going to cover how much money you can make when you teach online, so very important topics that we are covering today. If you are listening to this as a podcast episode, thank you so much for the download. As you might know we always turn our live sessions into podcast episodes that you can find on Spotify, Google Podcasts, iTunes, all of your most...  [Read more]

⏩ Should I teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": " Are TEFL teachers in demand in English speaking countries?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": " Are TEFL teachers in demand in China?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": " Are TEFL teachers in demand elsewhere in Asia?","url": ""},{"@context":...  [Read more]


Andrew Lynch TEFL Information One of the biggest challenges facing any teacher wanting to work abroad is ensuring they become TEFL certified. Securing the qualification will open up the door for a wealth of fresh opportunities around the world, finally giving you the chance to live out your teaching dreams in a new country or continent. But now that you’ve finished your TEFL course – now what? With the coursework out of the way, now is the time to start putting together your plan for how you can use your new certificate. We’ve put together a list of essential things to do in order to make the most of your long-held ambitions. Thinking about, and actually moving to, another country are two completely different things. It involves a huge change in your life and is a big step to...  [Read more]

⏩ What is TEFL teaching? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": " What does TEFL and TESOL stand for?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": " What are the technical differences between TEFL and TESOL?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": " What qualifications do I need to teach EFL?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type":...  [Read more]


Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas Hello everybody and welcome. We're actually also going live on Instagram today, so I'm going to check that out as well as the usual Facebook and YouTube. Hopefully everything will work fine. I hope everybody can hear me well and can see me. This is the first time that we're actually live on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube at the same time, so I have a lot of screens here in front of me. Hello there, I see somebody tuned in on Instagram and we have a few people here on Facebook and YouTube already. I hope everything is going well today. Unfortunately, if you're watching on Instagram you won't be able to see the screen and maybe some of the questions that I'm popping in there but that's all good, you can still drop your...  [Read more]


Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas Reading is important. It is an important tool that aids in language acquisition whether the language is native or foreign. Unfortunately, it is sometimes neglected, especially as the students move up in their studies. This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Wesley J. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. Having been raised without television until I was in junior high school, I would read books, magazines, and the Sunday newspaper. At an early age, my first card was the library card. I could borrow many books. I would often borrow fifteen to twenty books every two weeks in addition to the four books I could borrow from my school library. At home, my mother provided science...  [Read more]


Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences In this blog post, we will look at 8 of the most widely held misconceptions regarding the teaching of ESL worldwide. The demand for English Teachers abroad is really high and whilst it's true that it's not the easiest thing in the world to do and maybe you want to go to a country or a place that you have set your mind on a certain location maybe that doesn't work out. You just need to be a little bit more flexible. According to some estimates there are about two billion people in the world speaking and learning English (British council) and those are all potential students. Some of the biggest companies in the ESL industry you might want to look out for when you are applying for jobs in language schools or English class lesson providers...  [Read more]


Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas English to me and I'll answer them to the best of my ability. We have a first time watcher Sebastian watching from Cameroon and it is 2:00 a.m. there, wow thanks so much for staying up and watching our live stream, that's awesome. We are actually streaming live on Facebook and also on YouTube at the same time, so wherever you're watching from you can throw your questions at me at any time and if you don't want to miss out on any of our live streams don't forget to like and subscribe so that you always get notifications. I go live every Friday morning my time, depending on where you're watching it might still be Thursday, and then my colleague Liza does her live sessions every Tuesday. If you have already watched our joint...  [Read more]

⏩ Teach English in Yitang Zhen - Linyi Shi - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yitang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language. Teaching English at a kindergarten can be a fun and rewarding job but it is not without it's challenges. Some people are not sure whether it is right for their children to start learning a foreign language at such an early age (2-6), and some believe that we are imposing too much on them by asking them to do so, but this is really wrong. It is already scientifically...  [Read more]

⏩ What are TEFL jobs? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": " Where can I teach English abroad?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": " Which is the most popular region for teaching English abroad?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": " Where can I earn the most money teaching English in Asia?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type":...  [Read more]

⏩ How to find TEFL jobs? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": " Where can I teach English abroad?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": " Which is the most popular region for teaching English abroad?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": " Where can I earn the most money teaching English in Asia?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type":...  [Read more]


Mark Crocker TEFL Information Alumni Experiences The 20th century brought in its wake the concept of globalization, changing the dynamics of the world to what we have come to know it as today. As the world continues to move towards becoming a grand global village, many countries, people and things which once seemed so far out of reach are now more readily available and closer to home. Undoubtedly, with the advent of globalization, communication has become paramount to the ways in which we share knowledge and gather or receive information. Why? Because without this, humans will have a much more challenging time building relationships with others be it for economic, social or spiritual gains (just to name a few). This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Deidre-Ann J. In a...  [Read more]

⏩ Where to find TEFL jobs? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": " How to teach English in Asia?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": " How do I get a job teaching English in South Korea?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": " What are the requirements for teaching English in South Korea?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type":...  [Read more]

⏩ Where to do TEFL in 2022/23? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": "Which is the most popular region for TEFL?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": "Where can I earn the most money teaching English in Asia?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": "What are the most popular TEFL destinations in the Middle East?","url": ""},{"@context":...  [Read more]


Simon ITTT TEFL Information It’s great to move somewhere new with your TEFL skills and to discover new places but, although traveling is exciting, there are times when you may want to do something without having to move too far from your new base. There are plenty of pastimes or hobbies that can be taken up when moving around from place to place, some of which might help you add variety to your English lessons for your students. For example, you can use your students to teach you about local cuisine to develop their vocabulary associated with food, language patterns for describing how to cook things, or how to give recommendations. They learn, you learn! Here are some other ideas for you to think about. When living abroad in a new culture, it’s a great idea to see what local...  [Read more]


Federico Riva TEFL Information Teaching Ideas Hi my name is Linda from ITTT, international TEFL and TESOL Training and I'm back again today for another live session. If you can hear me and see me please let me know as I'm trying out a new mic today so if that is working well it would be good to know. So please leave a quick comment to say hi and where you're watching from. I have been living in South Korea for five and a half years, so for me right now it's 10:00 a.m. Friday morning. Let me know where you are tuning in from and what time it is where you are. We can get started on today's topic which is the best government programs for teaching English abroad. If you're interested in teaching English abroad then you should definitely keep watching as there's a lot of good stuff coming...  [Read more]


Federico Riva Destinations TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Hi everybody wherever you are right now. I'm in South Korea and it's 10 a.m. Friday, so good morning. I'm back here again today, my name is Linda from ITTT if you've been here before hi and if this is your first time watching thanks so much for tuning in and taking the time, we really appreciate it. If at any time during this live session you have any questions, feel free to drop your comments in the comment section from whichever platform you're watching from. We are streaming live on Facebook and on YouTube at the same time. If you can see me and hear me just leave a hi in the comment box, that would be highly appreciated so that I know that everything is working well. For the first couple of minutes let's just have a chat...  [Read more]


Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas Please let me know where in your TEFL journey you are at right now? Are you currently taking a course? Are you thinking of taking a course? Are you already teaching English as a foreign language? That'd also be really cool to know—somebody from Brazil, UK. Two people are from Brazil awesome, okay, with Bolivia amazing UK, Philippines, somebody is also from South Korea. A lot of people are thinking of enrolling, great! Then, this life will be perfect for you. Somebody is from Canada, Mexico, and Mongolia. This is our second live Q&A sort of video that we've been doing. We started last week, and last week we sort of did a general kind of Q&A section. If any of you were watching last week, please also let me know in...  [Read more]


Federico Riva Destinations Alumni Experiences Welcome to another live session this week and we're on at a different time this week. Usually we're a little bit earlier, but we have a special guest today, and that's because she's based in Germany. So we had to change the time a little bit. I’m Linda from ITT, you've probably seen me before, if you've watched us live and I’m here with Brit today. Hi Brit! Hi, thanks for having me, and painting your time to meet my schedule, and thank you so much for getting up early.I know it's early in Germany right now. just have my coffee and I’m good to go.That's awesome,where in Germany are you exactly? so I’m based near Trier, which is along the border with Luxembourg. So very close to Luxembourg? I had one chance to go before all of the...  [Read more]

⏩ TEFL Courses FAQs - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Frequently Asked Questions

What does TEFL mean?    The acronym TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. It is commonly used to refer to training courses that almost anyone can take to learn the skills and knowledge required to teach English to non-native speakers in countries all over the world. What is the difference between TESOL and TEFL?    TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language and TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. These descriptions are generally used interchangeably, however, TESOL is more common in the USA and TEFL is more common in the UK. Do I need a TEFL certificate to teach abroad?    Although it is possible to teach abroad without a TEFL certificate, we recommended that you complete a TEFL...  [Read more]


Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas This summative essay will exam the importance of teaching the differences between American English and British English for EFL learners. I will examine the intention behind teaching these differences, and when these teachings should be applied, and to what effect and purpose. This essay will focus primarily on the problems of pronunciation and spelling, which are the two main differences. I am a British citizen, born and raised in London, England, and currently teach at a public high school in Tokyo. This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Challis C. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. The most prominent differences in spelling would be the use of “u” in words in British...  [Read more]

⏩ What is TEFL? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ [ {"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh0","name": " What does TEFL and TESOL stand for?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh1","name": " What are the technical differences between TEFL and TESOL?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name": " What qualifications do I need to teach EFL?","url": ""},{"@context": "","@type": "SiteNavigationElement","@id": "#nameh3","name":...  [Read more]

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